Estuve en el grupo de investigación en 2011. Cuando se aprobó, recibió el nombre Triumeq. Gané ingenio e hígado graso. Le eché la culpa a más pereza. Me alegra saber que otros tienen insomnio. Este último mes estuve hospitalizado por cálculos renales. El doctor en el hospital y mi médico de cabecera me dijeron que preguntara al médico de identificación en la próxima cita si Triumeq podía causarlos. ¿Nadie sabe?
I was in the research group back in 2011. When approved it came under the name Triumeq. I gained wIt and fatty liver. I blame that on more of laziness. I am glad to hear others have insomnia. This last month I was hospitalized for kidney stones. The Dr in the hospital and my primary said to ask ID doc next appointment if Triumeq could cause them. Anyone know?
Hey all. My doc just took me off Triumeq after just less than 3 months. Insomnia, dizziness, excessive belly fat. Will let you know how new meds works! Have a fantastic day all!
Update I have been taken of Triumeq after experiencing headaches, insomnia, and light headed feelings, and shortness of breath.
Anyone else had this problem?
I take Triumeq also for about 3 yrs and I think I am close to the best shape of my life .. I've been on many HIV meds in my lifetime and this drug has had the least side effects that i notice personally
Thanks all. I gained like close to 80 pounds since being on Triumeq. Doc says, consider it healthy compared to where you were. Still I need to get some of this weight off. My bf is not on Triumeq but says we need body fat. I suffer from insomnia as well. A month ago nuerologist put me on a sleep med. It was working, but it can cause kidney stones. So I stopped taking it.
I take Triqumek I just googled side effects and it mentioned kidney problems but not specifically kidney stones. I wouldn't rule it out that the drug causes stones. I would still ask your ID doctor to confirm
¿Los Inhibidores De La Integrasa Son Menos Tóxicos Y Tienen Menos Efectos Secundarios Que Los IP? (Tivicay Contra Prezista/Norvir)
¿Alguien Toma [[tratamiento:Triumeq:57e47a5b6b4dcc3a970003a2]]?