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Tener Una Cita


Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Huntington Beach, CA

Sé que soy VIH + desde julio de 2016. Me he mostrado reacio a tener citas porque tengo miedo de divulgar mi estado debido al estigma asociado con la enfermedad. ¿Alguien tiene alguna sugerencia?

I have known I am HIV + since July 2016. I have been reluctant to date because I am afraid to divulge my status due to the stigma associated with the disease. Does anyone have any suggestions?

22 de enero de 2017
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

I met my partner through OkCupid. I was intimidated at first to state my status until I realized that I was limiting myself. There is always going to be someone that doesn't like something about me; my background, heritage, etc. When I looked at HIV as something similar, something I can't change, made it part or me then I wasn't hurt or offended that someone wouldn't want to be with me.
I knew there would be someone out there that would like me just the way I am. And I did. We've been together almost 8 years now and he's HIV-.
Until I put myself out there I didn't know what I was missing.
Go for it!!!

1 de febrero de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

It takes time to come to terms with being HIV+ once you have found out and getting in to treatment can be a huge adjustment so take your time in getting to know someone and become friends. You do not have to inform everyone about your status unless your going to have a sexual encounter with them other wise I wouldn't worry about it. I was HIV+ in a small Rural town in south central Florida called Lake Placid. It only has a one mile city limits and the population there is so small that if one find out something about you everyone know within a few days. I have never been one to jump quickly towards a sexual relationship. I have always started with getting to know them well and then setting boundaries where I feel comfortable with dating and before getting to serious I let them know. I have found that if you let someone get to know you prior to having a label of HIV stamped on your forehead your more likely to have a positive outcome even it thing do not go any farther.

10 de febrero de 2017
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I find dating to be complicated.not by the fact that we are positive but that just something extra to the plate but because it is just generally hard to find genuine people.

7 de agosto de 2019
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Been pos since 1988 definitely hard even with u=u people a re hessitant

15 de octubre de 2019
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I haven't dated since my diagnosis in 2010. To be honest I'm alright with it. I go to the gym, eat right spend time with family. Many of my so called " friends" stop coming around. What is important to me now is my family. My family has always been around for me even when I wasn't there for them.

23 de julio de 2019

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