No tengo una pregunta. Yo quería decir. Éste es el mejor tratamiento que he probado. Sin efectos secundarios. 😁 gracias.
I don't have a question. I wanted to say. This one best treatments I have tried. No side effects. 😁 thank you.
Been on it for almost 3 weeks, just fatigued at times.
I like it no side effects. For me. Hope all the best for you. 😁 hugs
Hey Chris27 I have the same problem been on it for about 3 weeks but I am tired all the time
Triumeq has been great so far. Been on it for 3 Months now.
Just fatigue for me
So far so good no side effects
¿Los Inhibidores De La Integrasa Son Menos Tóxicos Y Tienen Menos Efectos Secundarios Que Los IP? (Tivicay Contra Prezista/Norvir)
¿Alguien Toma [[tratamiento:Triumeq:57e47a5b6b4dcc3a970003a2]]?