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Aceite De CBD


Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Ashland, KY

Me preguntaba si alguien tomó aceite de CBD con sus medicamentos contra el VIH. Lo estaría usando para ayudar a tratar mi neuropatía, los medicamentos que me recetan no funcionan. Actualmente, Genvoya es el medicamento recetado para mi infección por VIH.

I was wondering if anyone took CBD oil with their HIV medications. I would be using it to help treat my neuropathy, medications that are prescribed are not working. Currently, Genvoya is the medication prescribed for my HIV infection.

5 de agosto de 2018
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

Ugh...Genkilya, CBD is great for neuropathy but it’s effects don’t last long and it’s like you progress to using it more and more. I use Turmeric, high enough dose works wonders for me.

14 de agosto de 2018
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I describe it like this....think of your body as a pinball machine, the pain as the ball, and some teenager jacked up on energy drinks as the driver. Lightning in a bottle also fits the bill in my case💫

22 de septiembre de 2018
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Absolutely Calvin the neuropathy is just bad at times. You can't really explain to other people what your feeling. They ask what does it feel like. I tell them like burning sand or sticking your foot in a wall socket. I've heard Amytryipline works but it is an older tricyclic drug with weight gaining properties that I don't want. I used to take Limbretrol which is Amytryipline and Librium mixed in one pill. It did help.

15 de agosto de 2018
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Well I'm also on BIKTARVY I was on Genvoya prior to Genvoya I was and have been smoking weed. My doctors know I smoke but they can't give me the (green card) marijuana card because it's a teaching hospital so anyways I'm doing great wise been undetectable so I feel marijuana is my gateway drug . If it wasn't for marijuana I wouldn't be cigarette free

6 de agosto de 2018
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Im on gabupentin theyve upped my dose lowered my dose mine gotten worse but hey i can smoke a joint and i don't hurt as much my dr knows and my husband is on genvoya too our dr knows he smokes pot and his dr says keep doing wat you're doing its working im on triumeq

6 de agosto de 2018

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