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¿Inconveniente O Útil?

Inconvenience Or Helpful?

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Geneva, IL

Ya sea la aparición de sus primeros síntomas, una infección oportunista que lo lleva al hospital, una dificultad que lo deja sin hogar y en la indigencia, unas vacaciones tan esperadas... etc... ¿su mascota representa un problema para usted? usted o él/ella es beneficioso y útil?

Whether the onset of your first symptoms, , an opportunistic infection that puts you in the hospital, a hardship that leaves you homeless and destitute, a long awaited vacation.... etc......does your pet pose a problem for you or is he/she beneficial and helpful?

31 de julio de 2019 (edited)
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

I know I would be lost without my Sophie, she is my Shitzu. I have terrible anxiety at times . She calms me done. Sometimes I worry that I may have to move and I am worried about he well being with me. I would do anything for her .

2 de agosto de 2019
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I have 2 boxers (sisters), and a homeless cat we call Kizzie. Don’t know what I’d do without them, we support each other

13 de agosto de 2019
Un miembro de myHIVteam

We have 2 pets. I got my black lab in October for my birthday. I truly believe he has saved my life.
My partner had a cat when we met. He's just fine. He comes to me for attention. I pet him. I treat him right. However, cats are not my favorite. As I am disabled , I'm home much of the time. The cats name is Roscoe. We have learned to communicate. He is able to let me know what he need/wants. He's had a sore paw lately.
Anyway, Dave was very sick from chemo treatments, and he had a cat named Oscar. Between the two cats giving him some cuddling healing, and had to also take care of them. Kinda gave him drive. He bought some equipment, worked himself strong again. I attribute much of that drive on his pets.
Now Jack of course is our baby. He helped my depression. Some loneliness, and just companionship. He's funny, loving, and like a baby, needs attention.
We are going to Denver soon. We found someone who works short work hours. We go places, and Jack is fine alone. But never long periods.
So he's more than a pet. Just like you'd have to find a babysitter. Not cheap, but I couldn't believe what Dave paid for him. He has grandparents and beyond who were show dog winners.
I am the one who has to make him mind. Dave try's to reason with him. I have to laugh at that. If you cant tell, I think you get so much from a pet, they are an asset and taking care of them just becomes part of life.
Didn't mean to write a novel, sorry.
Also, at 10 mos and 80 lbs. he makes his presence known.

31 de julio de 2019
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Having a supportive community, such as this, makes the road soft and tolerable.

4 de agosto de 2019
Un miembro de myHIVteam

No pets. Just fortunate that I had TPAN group when things became a problem.

3 de agosto de 2019

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