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Entonces, ¿cómo Haces Para Estar Con La Persona Que Te Contagió El Vih?

So How Do U Go About Being With The Person That Gave U Hiv

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Phoenix, AZ
14 de mayo de 2020
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

DEBES dejarlo ir para poder VIVIR❤️‍🔥

You MUST let it go so you can LIVE❤️‍🔥

3 de julio de 2023
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Descubrí quién me lo dio. Es difícil aceptar su diagnóstico y mucho menos aceptar a la persona que se lo dio. Al principio decía WTF y me enojé durante casi un año y luego algo cambió. Tomé la decisión de que no quería cargar con ese equipaje. Se necesita más energía para estar enojado y no ayuda a la salud. Decidí hacer esto. Hablamos, lo perdoné y seguí adelante con mi vida. Es difícil, pero el perdón es la clave para que puedas dejarlo atrás y concentrarte en tu futuro.

I figured out who gave it to me. It's difficult to come to terms with your diagnosis let alone come to terms with the person who gave it to you. At first, I was saying WTF and I got angry for almost a year and then something changed. I made the decision that I didn't want to carry around that baggage. It takes more energy to be angry and it doesn't help your health. I decided to do this. We talked I forgave him and moved on with my life. It's hard but forgiveness is the key so you can put it behind you and focus on your future.

28 de junio de 2023
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I was diagnosed in 1999 and before then I had not had a partner for 5 years. However, I was prone to malaria infections and every time I was treated with injections. Not sure they were sterilised. That was the only option available. For that reason, I do not know whom to forgive for giving me the virus. I made peace with it and myself to stop wondering how I got hiv but how to live with it.

22 de junio de 2023 (edited)
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Unfortunately with my lifestyle at the time i have no idea who gave it to me. I often wonder if that person even knew or know they are infectious or even infected. I played Russian roulette and i lost. I knew better so i only have myself to blame.

3 de mayo de 2023
Un miembro de myHIVteam

First of all I was infected on purpose from a one night stand (actually two nights) when I found out I was positive I went to find him one night and there he was trying to hook up with other guys which made me even more pissed not because I was jealous it was because he was about to do it to someone else well I made sure everyone within a hundred miles (that's how loud I screamed at him) what he had done to me and was about to do it to one of them to make a long story short he took off and was never seen around there again. Am I angry for what he did yes would be the answer but I learned to forgive not for his sake but for my sanity, could I live with someone who gave it to me No Way!!!!!

25 de abril de 2023 (edited)

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