Tengo una pregunta que alguien me pidió que le publicara; ¿Alguien ha experimentado picazón anal constante (a veces intensa) debido al VIH que no está asociado con las ETS?
I have a question someone asked me to post for them; has anyone experienced constant (sometimes intense) anal itching due to HIV that isnt associated with STDs?
Whatever u do don't drag ur butt across the carpet, does not help. Try some benadryl cream or hydrocortisone. May be to dry during excesive penatration. Try ass-troglide. Happy Holidays all!
I mean why not, were all human and go through things lol. It is what it is in my book. You never know until you ask. 😆 plus if it helps someone im all for it
I'd have to PM you for more detail
Lotrimin spray is good
Hi i believe it is from sweating and believe there are creams they recommend but i find t p sometimes is an issue for me so i watched and i believe mine is angel soft or charmin but anyway report it could be hemorrhoids or irritation but good luck and Happy Holidays peace good health thruout the coming years