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Los Insectos Me Comen Vivo

Bugs Eating Me Alive

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Arvada, CO

Desde que llegué al estado indetectable, he sido un buffet las 24 horas para mosquitos, arañas y cualquier otra cosa que quiera morderme. Tengo curiosidad por saber si alguien ha notado lo mismo y si algo ha ayudado a enmascarar su olor.

Utilizo repelente de insectos, pero lo único que funciona bien es uno con 80 por ciento de DEET, e incluso eso puede ser impredecible, sin mencionar que puede ser cancerígeno. Cualquier ayuda es bienvenida y cualquier historia que refleje lo que estoy pasando… leer más

Ever since i have gotten to undetectable status, I've been a 24 hour buffet for mosquitoes, spiders, and anything else that wants to take a bite out of me. Im curious if anyone has noticed the same thing, and if anything has helped in masking your smell?

I do use bug spray, but the only thing that works ok, is one with 80 percent deet, and even that can be hit or miss, not to mention, can be carcinogenic. Any help is welcome, and any stories that reflect what im going through will help me… read more

13 de julio de 2021
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

I agree with Lotus... Avon skin so soft works great. They used to have one similar to a deodorant stick but I can't find it anymore. But it works for me.

17 de julio de 2021
Un miembro de myHIVteam

The bugs don't like me literally they get stuck in my skin and die with my blood in their belly and I have to pop them off's quite funny but it's true I don't know why..😜😜😜😂😊👍

14 de julio de 2021
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Avon skin so soft works wonders for me. And after a bite by those nasty noseeums I dabbed apple cider vinegar on the spot. I’ve never had it this bad til moving to Florida

15 de julio de 2021
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Hi @Un miembro de myHIVteam
I live in south Florida and we have plenty of mosquitos, spiders and bugs I’m not noticing any difference. I’m on Symtuza so maybe it’s the medicine.
As far as a good bug repellent that isn’t full of harmful chemicals the company Avon has a product called skin so soft which acts as a bug repellent and actually smells pretty good.
I’d give that one a shot.

14 de julio de 2021

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