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Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Jacksonville, FL

¿Cuánto tiempo tomó revelarlo a familiares y amigos, si es que alguna vez lo hizo? Porque, según mi investigación en línea, parece que la mayoría de los hombres str8 parecen ser el grupo más reacio a compartir su estado.

How long did it take to disclose to family and friends if ever because from my research online it seems that most str8 men seem to be the most reluctant group to ever share their status

2 de septiembre de 2021
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

Take as long as you need to. I've only told a handful of people on an as needed basis. It's difficult to unsay your HIV status so make sure you can trust them with that information or are comfortable with what they do with that information. My father knows, but he's a very persistent old man who will not except unanswered phone calls while a person is hiding and recoving from AIDS. I asked him not to share it with my mother at first, while I adjusted to having HIV, but I've freed him from that. She's his wife. Other than my immediate family no, I don't share it. I'm still in contact and live with my ex. So putting that out there puts his status in question and that's not a bridge I'm forcing him to cross.

4 de septiembre de 2021
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I told my parents and my brother. But nobody else idk why I Guess if they ask I'll have to. But im not going to tell everyone.

3 de septiembre de 2021
Un miembro de myHIVteam

A month after I would out I told my best friends (both nurses). They love and protect me and assure I’ll be ok. Told my family much later. My daughter doesn’t talk to me (my status and other issues), my sisters are supportive and my mom worries. Her nephew died from AIDS in Thailand in the 90’s. Other than that I feel it’s much easier to talk about it now. I have a large support group here and in my personal life. It helps when I’m down, someone is always around to uplift me.

3 de septiembre de 2021
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I told my mom and dad the same day they were very supportive but i did have family members that every time they got mad at me it would get thrown in my face my kids know but they don't like to talk about it which is fine i deal with my HIV on my own i found this site so i read and talk about HIV..

3 de septiembre de 2021 (edited)
Un miembro de myHIVteam

The scary part of it is since no knows but my doctor case worker and peer navigator family and friends still say in accurate things and have a lot of stigma I try and correct them and one of my friends joked and said you act like you got I laughed it off but it was hurtful because I do im not mad because they don't know and before my diagnosis I probably would have been right along with them🤦🏿‍♂️

3 de septiembre de 2021

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