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¿Cuantos Estamos Con La Misma Pareja?

How Many Of Us Are With The Same Partner?

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Kelowna, BC

Mi pareja y yo rompimos en los años 90 y desde entonces no he tenido una pareja real. Anhelo tener alguien con quien conectarme, pero hoy en día soy feliz con buenos amigos y sin sexo.

my partner and I broke up in the 90's and I haven't had a real partner since then. I long for someone to connect with but nowadays am happy with good friends and no sex.

7 de octubre de 2021
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

Tuve pareja durante 10 años hasta que llegó el COVID. Sí el infame COVID, sigue vivo; sin embargo, no vivimos juntos, no lo hicimos desde que volé por trabajo, como lo he dicho una y otra vez, y generalmente me ausentaba de 4 a 6 días seguidos. Vivíamos a una distancia de 10 a 15 minutos el uno del otro y, lo creas o no, funcionó muy bien para nosotros. Desde COVID se ha vuelto prácticamente agorafóbico y no quiere estar rodeado de gente. Con el tiempo aprendí que nunca quemes los puentes; él sabe que siempre es bienvenido y, de hecho, tanto mi compañero de casa como yo le hemos extendido la invitación varias veces. Ahora que estoy jubilado y me acostumbro a dormir hasta las 04:30, planeo realizar varios viajes de larga distancia el próximo año. En cierto modo es agradable tener una relación conmigo; pero, en ocasiones, sería bueno tener otra persona con quien compartir cosas.

I had a partner for 10 years until COVID hit. Yes the infamous COVID, he is still alive; however, we do not live together, we didn't since i flew for work as I have said over and over and over and was usually gone for 4-6 days at a time. We did live 10-15 minutes apart from each other and believe it or not it worked great for us. Since COVID he has pretty much become agoraphobic and doesn't want to be around people. I learned along time never burn your bridges - he knows he is always welcome and in fact both me and my housemate have extended the invitation several times. Now that I am retired when I get used to sleeping in past 0430 I plan on a cpl of long haul trips next year. In a way is nice to have a relationship with me; but, having anothr person to share things with would be nice on occasion.

11 de octubre de 2023
Un miembro de myHIVteam

[[usuario:Van:5a89c8896b4dcc11f42eb193]] .
Ya sabes, sé lo que dices, pero estar solo hace la vida tan simple porque eres el único a quien debes considerar al tomar grandes decisiones.
Pero eso también es un inconveniente porque no hay nadie más con quien intercambiar ideas al tomar esa decisión.

@A myHIVteam Member .
Ya know I know what your saying but being alone makes life so simple because your the only one to consider when making big decisions.
But that's also a draw back because there's no one else to bounce ideas off of when making such a decision.

7 de octubre de 2023
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I relate to your question. I have similar circumstances. My partner and I were together for 11 years, and we had made plans for a lifetime. But even after moving to Hawaii in 2000, paradise could not solve problems we both had ignored nor talked about in the five previous years. The break up was very much like an ugly divorce left me with major trust issues. After, I dated quite a bit but avoided any discussions about relationship. I finally did meet someone who lived in LA. Long distance relationship of 13 years. He passed this year. I'm pretty much content with my life, but am not prepared for another relationship, but feel blessed with the friends I have.

9 de octubre de 2021
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Good morning Alan and thanks for your reply. Yes and I agree there are certain members on the site that I have more in common with than others but I am also a passionate and compassionate person so that I really am liberal in my thoughts when it comes to All Things h i v.... I am not shy about sex nor am i shy about addiction or any of the things that people stigmatize us for. Having said that you are right in the sense of love in a relationship.. though we've been together for twelve years my partner and's still a struggle I am not going to deny. I'm ten years older and have had much more life experience not to mention men in my lifetime than he has.. He adores me as I him.. but sometimes I do question whether it's enough as far as common ground in the future and some topics which he has not yet experienced. It'll all happen in time and I'm not going to control my destiny but for now it is what it is and I'm making the best of it.. that's the other lesson I learned was to let life unfold and not try to control every aspect but let love shine and with that in mind it will attract what you're looking for💜💙💚💛🧡❤

8 de octubre de 2021 (edited)
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Thank you for asking the question. A lot of people don't like to talk about relationships especially if they are hiv-positive because a lot of times a lot of hiv-positive people are single. But having said that I am in a relationship of 12 Years with a man who is negative. We are asexual but we are each other's best friend and confidant. I do remember the days of old when I used to have partners with whom I've had sex with at least 4 to 5 times a day for 8 years but I never found love the way I have now. I had to really decide what I wanted,.. was it love or was it sex?... I know it's not impossible to find both but sometimes in life it's not just meant to be the way you want it to be I decided to go this route. I agree with you, friends are forever so if you find a friend a confidante somebody you really trust and enjoy and the two of you enjoy each other as well there's nothing wrong with that kind of relationship. Love is never wrong. Thank you for the question😄

8 de octubre de 2021 (edited)

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