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Miembros reales de myHIVteam han publicado preguntas y respuestas que respaldan las pautas de nuestra comunidad y no deben tomarse como consejo médico. ¿Busca el contenido más reciente revisado médicamente por médicos y expertos? Visita nuestra sección de recursos.

No Olvidemos Que El VIH/SIDA Afecta A Cada Individuo De Manera Diferente Y Cada Uno Tiene Su Propio Viaje Que Compartir:

Let Us Not Forget HIV/AIDS Affects Every Individual Differently, And Everyone Has Their Own Journey To Share:

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Seattle, WA

Este sitio no está configurado con temas especialmente para recién diagnosticados, pacientes de larga duración, estigma, problemas médicos, citas cuando se tiene VIH y muchos otros temas. Sin embargo, es un lugar seguro y amigable para que todos nos reunamos y todos tengamos el mismo denominador común: el VIH/SIDA. Por ejemplo, muchos de nuestros miembros acaban de ser diagnosticados, están asustados y buscan apoyo y orientación. Creo que debemos mirar atrás cuando nos diagnosticaron y recordar… leer más

This site is not set up with threads especially for newly diagnosed, long termers, stigma, med issues, dating when having HIV, and so many other topics. However it is a safe and friendly place for all of us to gather with our all having the same common denominator, HIV/AIDS. As an example, many of our members are newly diagnosed, scared, reaching out for support and guidance. I think we need to look back when we were diagnosed and remember how we felt. Certainly people diagnosed now have a… read more

12 de agosto de 2022
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

Hello to all of my friends and family here who share our commonality.
I am one of the many (LTS) long-term survivors (1985) back then we had nothing but the fear of the unknown and almost certain death since the media blew everything out of the water keeping us on the edge of our seats.
The media was just doing their duty to keep everyone informed which unfortunately created a great divide amongst the LGBTQ and straight community and the rising hatred towards us who caught it, without any intention of catching it, it just happened and for many of us accidentally.
I remained in denial for 10 years after diagnosis before starting the Meds. I am fortunate to be here today.
For those who are newly diagnosed and full of many questions, rest assured that the new advancements in ART (Anti-retroviral therapy) and the numerous approaches available today are highly effective in keeping us vital, productive, and ALIVE! Yes, you can live a full productive life and be as normal as if you didn't have it at all. Positivity!
Take care of yourself, seek help medically and mentally, stay on top of things that matter in your life, face your fears, love and forgive yourself, do not associate with people who are negative and seek pleasure in other people's misfortunes. Contribute to this platform because you never know who you might be helping, if not yourself. Aloha and live with Grace!

13 de agosto de 2022
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Morning i for one when i see someone reaching out for help to find resources and just wanting to hear our stories i do talk i dont just by pass someones page i agree i always say for the old to help the new some of us long term survivor have knowledge and some don't some of us are still trying to find our way and some of the new don't reach out they are still in shock assumed and not ready to open up but me for insistence i like to encourage the new diagnosed not to give up there is a end to our tunnel stay Positive taking meds. and seeing Drs is the most important thing to do there is so much education out there one is never alone we we're on our own
back in the day
Team Family have a
Blessed Day 😇❤️

13 de agosto de 2022 (edited)
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Superbly written, Jeff. Each of us are on a different journey with many roads, but many can learn from those who have travelled the roads before.

16 de agosto de 2022
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Hola @Un miembro de myHIVteam
I do not speak or read the Spanish language, but I did take the liberty of translating your concern amigo (friend)
"Hola Dari. Realmente si.. Todavía hay ignorancia al respecto. Pero algo que dice la palabra y es tan cierto. Las mismas personas perecen por falta de sabiduría. Conocimiento.. Para eso estamos llamados a ser multiplicadores de información sanitaria y así acabar con ese prejuicio que ha hecho mucho daño."
Translation as follows:
"‎Hello Dari. Really if. There is still ignorance about it. But something that says the word and is so true. The same people perish for lack of wisdom. Knowledge. For that we are called to be multipliers of health information and thus end that prejudice that has done a lot of damage‎."
In response:
There remains ignorance for the many newly diagnosed teammates who come here as an avenue of support with the intention of dispelling any ignorance by reaching out to learn from others that are living with the condition.
We are here to help and support each other. We, as a multitude of researched and learned knowledge, work towards ending the ignorance, prejudice, and stigma within our (HIV) community.
The more everybody knows, the better off we all are.
You are correct to mention that people can die for lack of knowledge, thus, everyone must self-motivate to learn of this condition and how to conquer it where it no longer exists to define you.

Have a great day friend

15 de agosto de 2022
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Well said. Others have been there for me, and I hope I can be there for others.

13 de agosto de 2022

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