¿Cómo Lidio Con La Soledad?... Me Está Matando.
How Do I Deal With Loneliness.... It's Killing Me
Loneliness is wicked. It is like a cancer and consumes you… slowly, but surely. I think people should try and make an honest distinction between solitude and loneliness though. And ultimately, you can teach yourself to enjoy your own company and make your happiness not so dependent on the presence of others, because when you’re needy, you tend to latch onto the first person that comes along and you lose your objectivity towards that person out of sheer desperation or maybe squeeze the thing to death before it has had a chance to blossom into something. Yes, loneliness hurts, but, it also gives you substance, because that is what pain does. Learn to enjoy your own company and the quiet. All the rest is optional and embellishment. Good luck.
Stay busy with things that you like to do or find a activity that you may like
PRAY 🙏🙏🙏
John 954 very well said have a great day.
Move to Houston is how 💖
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