Si Tú Como Persona Fuera VIH Negativo... ¿habrías Salido Con Una Persona Positiva???
If You As A Person Was HIV Negative... Would You Have Date A Positive Person???
Sí o no
Yes or No
Ill be honest, for a while i was scared. Someone would disclose status to me and id feel scared about being "with" said person. I feel i have learned a lot and would "if hiv negative" go out with someone poz. Knowing what i know. I dont blame neg guys for not wanting to date. Being that i felt the same once. Just needed some education and reassurance.
Sí porque depende de la persona.
Yes because it depends on the person.
Depends, unless we already had a pre existing relationship. U=U requires you to take your meds. Logically, Ima need to see you take them once or twice. That's the level of intimacy it would requires. If we are on that level, then it's up for conversation. It's defiantly not something I would do for a hook-up.
Recientemente salí con un hombre que no es positivo. Se tomó un descanso cuando le revelé mi estado por primera vez e hizo algunos deberes por su cuenta. Regresó a mí con muchas preguntas y lo resolvimos. Después de 20 años de que la gente rompiera conmigo tan pronto como se enteraran de mi estado, se siente como un sueño hecho realidad.
I have recently dated a man who is not positive. He took a break when I first disclosed my status and did some homework on his own. He came back to me with lots of questions and we worked through it. After 20 years of people breaking up with me as soon as they learn my status, it feels like a dream come true,
Sabiendo lo que sé ahora, lo haría.
Knowing what I know now , I would .
Cuando Tienes Citas, ¿prefieres Salir Con Alguien Que Sea VIH Positivo O Negativo?
¿Consideras Que Tener VIH Es Una Discapacidad?
La Divulgación Es Buena, Pero Hay Que Hacerlo Con Prudencia. Creo Que A Veces No Es Necesario Decírselo A Todas Las Personas Cercanas A Ti.