Mucho Dolor Muscular En El Área De Los Bíceps Y Los Hombros, Alguien Más Tuvo Esto
Alot Of Muscle Pain In Bicep Area And Shoulers Anyone Else Had This
Mi ortopedista me ha diagnosticado tendinitis del bíceps, lo que me provoca un dolor intenso en el hombro. Me recetó relajantes musculares e ibuprofeno potente recetado, y hago fisioterapia dos veces por semana. Me quedan cinco sesiones más de fisioterapia y, si no desaparece, llamaré a mi ortopedista y le diré: "Está bien, ¿qué hacemos ahora?"
My orthopedist has diagnosed me with biceps tendonitis, which causes severe pain in my shoulder. He gave me muscle relaxers and prescription strength ibuprofen, and I do physical therapy twice a week. I have five more sessions left of physical therapy, and if it hasn't cleared up, I will call my orthopedist back and say okay, what do we do now?
@Un miembro de myHIVteam, me too!! OY!!
All mine is in my knees. Got a neuropathy in my feet and lower legs as a med side effect. Don't have enough muscle to really have muscle pain.
I have muscles pain quite often, but I have never related that to the virus....
Have you added a new medication recently?
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