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Hacer Que Un Amigo Sea Examinado Y En Tratamiento

Getting Friend Tested And In Treatment

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Chicago, IL

Esta pregunta realmente me hace mirar hacia adentro y descubrir qué tipo de hombre soy. Así que le revelé mi estado a mi ex hace 3 años. Hasta la fecha, (sin descartar que él lo supiera antes que yo) no se le ha hecho ninguna prueba ni ha iniciado ningún tratamiento. Ahora está empezando a mostrar signos de que su sistema inmunológico podría estar estropeado. ¿Mencioné que todavía vivimos juntos, no como amantes, pero hay un afecto honesto y una relación familiar, de casi 20 años… leer más

This question really has me looking inside and figuring out what type of man am I. So I disclosed my status to my ex 3 years ago. To date, (not ruling out that he knew before I knew) he has not been tested or started any treatment. He is now starting to show signs that his immune system to could be messed up. Did I mention we still live together, not as lovers but there's an honest affection and family- like relationship, almost 20 years. Regardless of how things worked out between him and… read more

17 de mayo de 2017
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

Honesty is the best policy! It may be the hardest thing you'll have to do but it's now going to be the last. Things go around full circle and don't walk out of someone's life you care deeply about! Dont allow yourself to have regrets!!!!!

23 de mayo de 2017
Un miembro de myHIVteam

@Un miembro de myHIVteam
If this was my ex and we still lived together. I would to do this. Make a nice dinner for the both of you that include a dessert. Tell him exactly what, and how you feel about what's going on with him. Don't start by pointing fingers. Just say you some concerns about his weight loss. Also tell him you care for him as a good friend. Just be 100% honest with him, and yourself. Take it slow.

Well that's what I would do if I seen one my closest friends go through alot different changes. 😁

Hope you guys well talk, and I hope he will listen to you.

17 de mayo de 2017
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Then @Un miembro de myHIVteam I say right it out. Don't want you to see jail time. Sorry buddy. I don't know the USA Laws. 😔 thanks @Un miembro de myHIVteam

17 de mayo de 2017 (edited)
Un miembro de myHIVteam

@Un miembro de myHIVteam I agree with you 99.9%. The only problem I see with your suggestion is telling his roommates mom. Under United States federal law, it is illegal to tell anyone about somebody else's HIV status. Medical laws prohibited it, and if you are told in confidence it is illegal. He'd be setting himself up for a lawsuit if his roommate decided to sue him for medical confidentiality. Since his roommate has not been tested, @Un miembro de myHIVteam could tell his mom that he has concerns about his roommates health, but going into detail on that is a gray area.

17 de mayo de 2017 (edited)
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Only thing is to be honest with them. When I told my mom. She didn't want to have nothing to do with me. So I can would do some research that she could understand. Then I would sent it to her by snailmail. So had to open it. After few months she got herself books, and started teaching me few things I should be doing. 😁
As for my brother. He didn't care. He only had one concern. If I was getting help for it, and I think he helped my mom along the way. 😁

It's all about educating yourself and the people around you, and to stay strong enough for each other. 😁

17 de mayo de 2017 (edited)

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