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¿Atripla Y La Depresión?

Atripla And Depression?

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Hollywood, CA

He estado tomando Atripla durante aproximadamente 9 años. No lo noté hasta hace poco, pero he tenido montañas de cambios de humor, una depresión terrible y me siento ansioso con mucha frecuencia. También existe este miedo, este extraño miedo a simplemente "hacer" cualquier cosa. Alguien ha experimentado esto?

I've been on Atripla for about 9 years now. I didn't notice it until recently but I have had mountains of mood swings, terrible depression, and I feel anxious so so often. There's also this fear this odd fear of just "doing" anything. Has anyone experienced this?

29 de septiembre de 2017
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

I was having problems with Atripla, bad dreams ,very nervous and just did feel myself. So I talked to my Dr and he switched me to Genvoya. No problems or side effects. Maybe it's time for a change in your meds

1 de octubre de 2017
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Atripla is what I started treatment on. It got me to an undetectable status really quick but the side affects were terrible. The first day I had to call in sick to work because I felt drunk. After that initial pill, I felt like a zombie just floating through life. Never experienced the dreams that even my doctor warned me about, but decided to switch to stribild after a few weeks of not feeling like myself

3 de octubre de 2017
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I did take Atripla as well for a while but switched to Bupropion..No major side effects..

2 de octubre de 2017
Un miembro de myHIVteam

The First month was horrible,weird dreams,insomnia and drowsiness oh my!that ended,then after a while I realized I developed lactose intolerance plus I have never regained weight,was a 48kg then(always been petite) but now I think I am at like 42,I think,I have not weighed myself but everyone keeps asking me,why I have lost so much weight,thank God, they know I have a stressful job so they all just attribute the weight loss to work. Lately,that is almost 1year,because I just confirmed the dates,I am anxious and with mood swings,when I am alone,I cry a lot! I think depression just set in :-(.

8 de agosto de 2018 (edited)
Un miembro de myHIVteam

A triple. Almost made me lose reality.
Was nervous to go to sleep..same dream every nite..getting murdered..over and over.

2 de octubre de 2017

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