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¿Cómo Perdonas A Una Persona Por Transmitirte El Virus?

How Do U Forgive A Person For Giving U The Virus?

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Daytona Beach, FL

Han pasado muchos años desde que me diagnosticaron y no puedo perdonar a la persona que me dio esto; de hecho, lo odio, pero no puedo echarle toda la culpa. Debería haberme asegurado de que usara ese condón. Es muy difícil para mí intentar enamorarme de nuevo. Alejo a la gente cuando siento que nos estamos acercando demasiado porque la mayoría de la gente piensa que sólo porque eres VIH+ piensan que tienes SIDA. Cuando pienso en la felicidad, me deprimo de nuevo porque tengo que decirles que soy… leer más

It's bn many years since I was diagnosed and I can't forgive the person who gave me this in matter of fact I hate him, but I can't put all the blame in him I should hv made sure he wore that condom. It's bn hard for me to try to fall in love again. I push people away when I feel we r getting too close because most people think just because u r Hiv+ they think u hv AIDS. When I think about the happiness I get depressed again cause I hv to tell them that I'm Hiv+ and then I will end up sad and… read more

30 de septiembre de 2017 (edited)
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

Forgive not for someone else but for your ownself and your mind will be free.

4 de mayo de 2022
Un miembro de myHIVteam

There's no expectation that you do. Especially if you were in a relationship. Because they made a commitment to you. At the very minimum they weren't protecting you by not brining anything home. I've forgiven, but it was on my terms. Accepting responsibility for sleeping with my damn near husband was not a good answer for me. Let your anger run it's course. Your only human.

24 de junio de 2023
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Seguro que es toba. Mi pareja de 21,5 años solía decirme que si me contagiaba, estaba bien porque yo era a quien amaba.

It’s tuff for sure. My partner of 21.5 years use to tell me if he caught it from me it was ok because I was the one he loved.

7 de octubre de 2023
Un miembro de myHIVteam

En primer lugar, debes decirte a ti mismo que eres VIH positivo. Eres responsable de tus propios actos en todo momento y también de tener relaciones sexuales sin condón. Todos conocemos las excusas de un condón roto. Los hombres no contraen el VIH por una mamada o un beso, simplemente tuviste sexo sin condón y recibiste esperma anal y estabas allí para tomar esa decisión.

En los Países Bajos nadie tiene por qué inventar la historia del condón roto. Siempre escuchamos esa excusa y aquí no caemos en ella. Simplemente les decimos a los pacientes qué es, y les puede gustar o no, pero aquí somos muy directos y decimos lo que pensamos.

Las excusas están para poder culpar a alguien más y sentirte bien, pero al final te tienes a ti mismo con ello y ese buen sentimiento se va porque sabes muy bien que eres responsable de tus propios actos en la vida.

First of all, you have to tell yourself that you are HIV positive. You are responsible for your own actions at all times and also to have sex without a condom. We all know the excuses of a torn condom. Men don't get HIV from a blowjob or kissing, you just had bareback sex and you received anal sperm and you were there to make that choice.

In the Netherlands, no one has to come up with the broken condom story. We always hear that excuse and we don't fall for it here. We just tell the patients what it is, and they may like it or dislike it, but here we are very direct and say what we think.

The excuses are there to be able to blame someone else and make yourself feel good, but in the end you have yourself with it and that good feeling goes away because you know very well that you are responsible for your own actions in life.

7 de diciembre de 2023
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Forgiveness is hard. Sometimes impossible. It's a step we have to take to heal, just as we deal with grief. It takes time. It comes in steps. Unforgiveness only hurts ourselves. It does nothing to the guilty party. No, you can't just do it. Doesn't work that way. Holding onto it will not change things. In my experience, I had to forgive myself before I could forgive someone else. Hope this makes sense and hope it helps

6 de mayo de 2023

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