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Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Ruston, LA

Cuando me diagnosticaron SIDA el año pasado (17 de julio), pesaba 150 libras. Desde entonces he ganado casi 50 libras. Vi un video en sobre lipodistrofia y me pregunto si eso es lo que me está pasando a mí.

Tengo otros problemas de salud que me impiden hacer ejercicio serio, pero camino de 6 a 10 millas por día durante varios meses y todavía no he podido perder más de 6 libras. Incluso he mejorado mi dieta para agregar más proteínas y reducir el consumo de carbohidratos y azúcares.

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When I was diagnosed with AIDS last year (July '17) I weighed 150 lbs. Since then I have gained almost 50 lbs. I watched a video on about lipodystrophy and I'm wondering if that is what is happening with me.

I have other health issues which keeps me from serious exercise but I do walk 6-10 miles a day for several months and still have not been able to lose more than 6 lbs. I have even improved my diet to add more protein and cut down on carbs and sugars.

Shortly after I began seeing… read more

2 de octubre de 2017
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

I am really glad I joined this group. I have learned so much more about HIV (which I have) and how to cope with its and its gremlins not to mention the side effects of THE MEDICATION. Thanks to everyone!

14 de mayo de 2018
Un miembro de myHIVteam

As a 42 year old male and a 22 year survior of hiv/aids. My tcells have been as low as 4. I still have to take 7 hiv related meds daily on top of my other meds. Since switching from truvada to descoy, ive really notice more weight gain.

20 de febrero de 2019 (edited)
Un miembro de myHIVteam

When I first started my HIV medicine I weighted about 170 lbs. At 5'9" I looked pretty good. After started meds and anti depressants, I'm up to 235 +/-. I've maintained that weight for years. I used to walk a minimum of 5 miles a day, now just outside to the barn to feed horses. I want to start exercising again but lack motivation. If I can get below 200 lbs, I'd be happy. All I get from doctor is be happy. I wished I could find a group for walking, I'm not a gym goer.

24 de junio de 2018
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Wow...I had a major issue with weight gain. And belly fat. Here I thought I could eat whatever I wanted...yippy ...and so I did.
WRONG !!!!
Over the years I went up to 325 lbs. I was obese. and all around my belly.
I developed type 2 diabetes..for which I was taking up to 60 units a day of insulin and as well Metformin (anyone with diabetes will know what that is). High blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis in my knees and ankles. Couldn't walk long distances... some days the pain was unbearable...

So my Doc suggest having my tubes tied...LOL. In other words Bariatric By-pass Surgery.....So I did....on May 1st. the surgery was successful only two days in the hospital.
To date I have lost....tah... dah a little drum roll please.. (a little dramatic effect..LOL) 115 lbs ..I now weigh 210

I feel great. I eat great ( pretty much a vegetarian now) . I also stay away from carbs/gluten no more bread, pasta and rice. My diabetes is good and I have been taken off insulin. My High blood pressure is good and have been taken off the meds for that. My Arthritis is gone and no more pain... and I can walk for Kilo/miles and Kilo/miles and I do for exercise...I also feel my health is better and will help my HIV.
I am even getting cruised/looks from some men...even some young ones...boy does that help in the self-esteem department...

so that's my take on the belly fat issue..if anyone else has had a similar story...write to hear.
good health and big hugs

2 de octubre de 2017 (edited)
Un miembro de myHIVteam

When I was diagnosed Feb 18, a little over a year ago, I weighed 165 and now weigh a little over 200. I believe the medication have helped me gain the weight. I take descovy, tivicay, prozac, xyprexa, vyvance, and clonazpam . I have been very unmotivated to work out since my diagnosis and its been hard for me to get over that. Once I get my lazy ass up again and start to work out the way I should the weight will fall off.

21 de marzo de 2019 (edited)

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