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Cidofovir Tópico Para Tratar La Infección Viral Resistente

Topical Cidofovir To Treat Resistant Viral Infection

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Los Angeles, CA

Tenga una receta; necesita una farmacia compuesta que la tenga; de lo contrario, ¡alrededor de 1G para pedidos especiales! ¿Alguna idea, por favor? Si sufre, es posible que necesite tratamiento intravenoso en el hospital, de lo contrario. Gracias.

Have a prescription- need a compound pharmacy that carries it— otherwise around 1G to special order!!!! Any thoughts, please? Suffering, May need I V treatment in hospital if not. Thank you.

18 de noviembre de 2017
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

I feel for you, it does cause a question of integrity for there to be that much difference. Wishing you happy turkey day !

22 de noviembre de 2017
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Because of the mutagenic properties of cidofovir, compounding the preparation is considered hazardous. Since most retail pharmacies do not have the safety equipment necessary to compound hazardous preparations, a compounding pharmacist is vital to preparing cidofovir cream or gel.... My hope is to find a pharmacy that is already filling a prescription/s— a lot less expensive if they already have the ingredients— I’ve called over 15 compound pharmacies- quotes range from $800 to 3G. Thank you for your reply. Happy T-day.

22 de noviembre de 2017
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I know it may sound strange , but, Costco pharmacy has come through for me in some tight situations, worth a try

22 de noviembre de 2017
Un miembro de myHIVteam

a chain professional pharmacy is much more likely than an independent pharmacy to be able to fill your prescription order. Even a pharmacy that fills infectious disease orders may be able to contact one of their pharmacy’s that work to solve the billing issues of very expensive medication. Not promoting one pharmacy over another my former employer Walgreens , works with insurance companies to solve issues. If you have I Hiv and insurance I would suggest contacting the professional pharmacy, ( local pharmacy should be able to give you the phone number ofm5he professional pharmacy. Actually the neighborhood drug store should be able to scan the Rx in, enter it to your profile, and if it is expensive and insurance issue, often is automatically routes to be,handled to resolve the issues. I hope that may help. Also your insurance when they find out it could result in hospitalization they may be Edgar to find an alternative. I hope that may help.

21 de noviembre de 2017
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Yes, all the (10) compound pharmacies I contacted have to buy ingredients just for my order- therefore very expensive; lowest quote was $800 - if I find a compound pharmacy that fills other orders - it may be affordable- I’m told by the pharmacist. Thank you.

18 de noviembre de 2017

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