¿Saldrías Con Alguien Que Sea VIH? Y, De Ser Así, ¿existen Dificultades?
Would You Date Someone Who Is HIV-, And If So, Are There Struggles?
Tener una pareja que es VIH-parece generar algunas frustraciones a veces. Encuentro que hay momentos en los que puedo sentirme bastante frustrado porque, por encima de todo, necesito a alguien que me entienda. Así que dejaré la pregunta abierta... ¿Saldrías con alguien que sea VIH? Si es así, ¿alguna vez ha tenido frustraciones o luchas por el hecho de que usted es VIH+ y ellos son VIH-?
Having a partner who is HIV- seems to have some frustrations at times. I find there are times where I can get quite frustrated because above all else, I just need someone who understands. So I will leave the question open... Would you date someone who is HIV-? If so, have you ever had frustrations or struggles with the fact that you are HIV+ and they are HIV-?
I am dating a younger guy who is HIV negative and he has been super supportive of me. He has educated himself about being with an HIV+ partner. The only time it gets frustrating is him wanting to talk about it everyday and I’m like give me a break dude! He thinks about it more than I do.
@Un miembro de myHIVteam: I feel your pain... I spend a lot of time in the trailer shown in my profile pic, in the bush, in the middle of nowhere, with literally no neighbours. I find that it has both up sides and down sides. The internet may be hellishly expensive to be able to get a fast enough speed to stream movies off of the internet, but at times, being in the middle of nowhere can really have some advantages. That being said though, such an isolation for too long of a period of time can result in cabin fever, so I really feel for you.
My partner was HIV- and I have been undetectable for over 5 years but I was still very careful . He passed with cancer 7/16/2016 . I have been trying to meet new people, but I live in the country and it is difficult. I am 63 and I am not sure if I can find someonea week . I'm insecure, as I am sure many of us are. I deal with depression daily and with my knees being bad. I was walking at least 3 times a week, and it helped me quite a bit. Now that is not an option and just sitting home alone is not helping . I'm open to any suggestions so look forward to hearing.
Yes I have lived here for more than 18 years and now alone it's getting a little bit more confining. I was okay until I have difficulty with my knees. I love walking in the woods along the river. I still take my dog Trace, my service dog for several walks at least if I fall he will go for help, gladly it has only happened once. Still good to have the security. Hope your life is full and you are happy.
Yes, I would date someone who has HIV, because maybe we can help each other like a buddy system, plus maybe they know something that could help me
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¡Buen Día! ¿Sugerencias Sobre Sitios De Poz Para Citas/GRATIS? ¿Sugerencias Sobre Dónde Se Encuentran Las Mujeres Heterosexuales Solteras/sin Antecedentes De Abuso De Drogas, Etc., Con Los Hombres Heterosexuales?
SE PERDIÓ La Parte GRATIS??????? ¿POR QUÉ Alguien Debería/tendría Que PAGAR Para Charlar Con Alguien Cuando El Estado No Significa Nada Más Sobre Lo Que Construir?