Linfoma Del Sistema Nervioso Central
Cns Lymphoma
Hola me diagnosticaron linfoma del SNC. Después de unos meses he completado seis ciclos de quimioterapia y estoy terminando mi radiación. Después de eso, me someteré a un trasplante de células madre, que mi oncólogo me dijo que rara vez realiza en pacientes con VIH porque no sobrevivirán porque tienen muchas otras complicaciones o no tomaron muy bien la quimioterapia. Tengo 28 años y estoy algo en forma y no tengo otras complicaciones solo el cáncer y el VIH positivo. Me dijo que seguramente me… leer más
Hello I was diagnosed with CNS lymphoma. after a few months I have completed six cycles of chemotherapy and I am finishing up my radiation. after that I will be having a stem cell transplant which my oncologist told me he rarely does them on patients with HIV because they will not make it through because either they have so many other complications going on or they did not take the chemo very well. I am 28 years old and I am somewhat fit and I have no other complications just the cancer and HIV… read more
Hi @Un miembro de myHIVteam, I haven’t been through your situation but I am sure your doctor would not be advising the transplant unless he was very optimistic about a good outcome. I just wanted to write and send you my best wishes and thoughts for what you’re going through. You’ve already been through so much, but you sound in good spirit which is key to getting over this. I have a little knowledge about the transplant which is why your post touched me, I wish you all the best and hope you enjoy a wonderful Holiday season.
Justin88, like Cls said,I haven’t been in your shoes, or know anyone else in your situation, but you seem to have a positive attitude, which is extremely important, as well as your fitness. I would think that if your doctor didn’t think the stem cell procedure would be beneficial, he wouldn’t offer it.
Stay positive brother, and blessings for a speedy recovery.
Merry Christmas 🎄
Much love 💕
Love ❤️ and Peace ☮️
¿Alguien Se Siente Físicamente Enfermo Si Se Enoja O Se Estresa?
Para Las Personas Mayores Que Reciben Ingresos Del Seguro Social, Los Veteranos Y Los Ciudadanos Discapacitados, ¿han Recibido El Cheque De Estímulo Actual?