¿Alguien Tiene Alguna Información Sobre La Neuropatía? El Médico Especializado En Discapacidad Me Diagnosticó La Semana Pasada.
Anybody Have Any Info On Neuropathy I Was Diagnosed Last Week By The Disability Doctor
My friend has neuropathy and sometimes he can hardly walk. My doctor just prescribe a drug called prozsin for dreams but I have symptoms of neuropathy and it helps with my symptoms. Your case is a little more serious than mine but you might want to research it a little bit. Good luck
@Un miembro de myHIVteam, thank you so much for that information. Where can I get more. I've been looking. That was very detailed
Good morning, I deal with it. It is very annoying it affects your hands and feel. I take Lyrica and it works for me. I pray all goes well for you. Feel better soon.
I'm really sorry dear.You will be in my prayers i send a biggest hug!
¿Consideras Que Tener VIH Es Una Discapacidad?
¿Hablas Español?
Cómo Se Puede Manejar , El Estado De Ánimo, Con Un Diagnóstico En El Cual Muchos Son Rechazados