Pregunta para todos. ¿Qué deberíamos estar pensando sobre el coronavirus? ¿Como persona con VIH tenemos más riesgo de contraer este virus?
Question for everyone. What should we be thinking about the coronavirus? As a person with HIV are we more at risk of this virus?
And you are right but this may become a hot mess if we allow it to. Let's all stick together stop the spread of fear educate ourselves & know exactly in your state or town if there are any infections or any deaths. This will give you a time frame as to how long the virus has been exposed in your area. That's the best we can do. Stressing ourselves out and getting sick over is not the answer ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😜🌝🤗
I'm worried. I was only at a 435 CD4 last draw. That might be a little low. I'm going to see my folks at the end of the month, but I might just buckle down and do the drive. This is scary because we don't know how much of it is out there. One of the Dr's on TV made a good point, He said, people have gotten ill and tried to mange it at home, went to the hospital, they tried to manage it, then they died. All of that takes time. So who knows, not to mention we are still trying to get test out. Not to mention the US has an entire population that might never seek treatment or testing due to there immigration status. This could be a hot mess.
I've found this article today to be quite helpful with the latest info and advice. Thought I'd share it with you.
I have to say I do kind of worried because my status. Because I'm literally had to fight with my immune system, (and a lot of sunflower seeds) I may be a top target for it. Its definitely have changed my plans are going to San Francisco because of it which kind of sucks.
Also I live in Solano County so you know...
@Un miembro de myHIVteam Thanks for this information have a safe and good week Pastor David Bast
¿Qué Dice Europa Sobre El VIH Y El Coronavirus, Mientras Estados Unidos (como Siempre) Se Demora?
¿Tener Un Recuento De CD 4 Superior A 1000 Significa Que Nuestro Sistema Inmunológico Es Lo Suficientemente Fuerte Como Para Combatir El Coronavirus Si Se Infecta?
¿Has Cambiado Algún Plan Por Culpa Del Coronavirus?