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¿Qué Industria, Hasta El Día De Hoy, Sigue Lidiando Con Los Problemas Del Año 2000?

What Industry To This Day, Is Still Dealing With Y2K Issues?

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Edmore, MI

En 1999, existía la preocupación de que las computadoras fallaran porque en aquel entonces el año solo estaba etiquetado con los últimos 2 dígitos. Nadie estaba seguro de si las computadoras fallarían o no al pasar de 99 a 00. Así que todos los electrónicos tenían prisa por solucionar el problema antes de que llegara el año 2000. El año 2000 llegó y pasó sin problemas con la electrónica, incluso aquellos que se solucionaron a tiempo. Sin embargo, hasta el día de hoy una industria sigue teniendo… leer más

Back in 1999, there was a concern that computers would crash because back then the year was only labeled with the last 2 digits. Nobody was sure if the computers would crash or not going from 99 to 00. So all electronics were in a rush to fix the problem before 2000 came. 2000 came and passed with no issues in the electronics, even those that did get fixed in time. One industry though is still having an issue with the changing of the millennium to this very day. Can you guess what industry it… read more

12 de junio de 2020
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

Low tech, GOOGLE won't help, Egyptian Mummies, and the last clue --- pretty much set in stone.
The Answer: Tombstone companies.
Many people back in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s (people in their 60s, 70s, and 80s at that time) had prebought their tombstones thinking they would die before the year 2000. So they had their stones made ahead of time, birthdate engraved on it and death date engraved as 19-- ready for the last 2 digits to be engraved on it. Many of these people didn't die before 2000. Some of these people are now still living in their 90s and early 100s, and their stones say they died in 19--. So tombstone companies are still dealing with Y2K because now they have to fix those 19s-- to 20--ths. For instance, my grandma had prebought her stone in 1992. It was engraved as dying in 19--. If she was still alive today, she would be 99 years old.

14 de junio de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Sorry about last post! I couldnt read it and I wrote it! Didnt take time to proof read it.My apologies.

12 de junio de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

If you just click on the photo it should enlarge so that you can better see my companion marker. When I purchased it 5 years ago, I paid close to $2,000 for it. I put $100 down on it and paid $37.72 a month for 5 years. My wife passed away January 1993, and I was paying everything one part at a time for most of it so took me almost 20 years to pay for it all. The final cost that I paid for everything minus the cost of the plot itself came to just over $6,000.00. I know am done at the cemetery and now doing pre-paid at the funeral home. That is costing me another $10,000, but they will not let me do them in parts, It is the whole thing or nothing. So If I decide to start paying their it would cost me $300.00 down and $130.00 a month. So I can't really do that so may just make sure I have enough life insurance to cover that cost when the time comes, I know that cost is going up every year but I just can't afford $130 a month. I never paid more at the cemetery then $37.72 was the highest amount I paid per month. I just thought the most I could get pre-paid in advance would help out my loved ones when the time comes. We all should be thinking about this because even cremation cost are over $6,000 and cost going up every year. I kn ow it is not a great thing for our minds to be thinking about, but if we want things done a certain way, this is the best way of doing it so we don't burden our loved ones when our time comes.

18 de junio de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

@Un miembro de myHIVteam In the cemetery where my wife is buried and I will be right next to her does not have any cement markers in it. They are all bronze mostly and for those who have the 19 already on them they would have to have it either grinned down or have it totally replaced. But in other cemeteries that do have cement ones then having a little bit of cement put over the 19 and then add the 20 would be much easier for sure. At least it should not cost as much as having to have it totally replaced. But that is why I made sure that they just left the spot where the date of death goes empty so we would not have that problem.

17 de junio de 2020
Un miembro de myHIVteam

@Un miembro de myHIVteam, I gave the answer above.
@Un miembro de myHIVteam, I have noticed new stones haven't been bought. Looks like the company just cements in the 19, then re-engraves it. I saw on a few you can still barely see the 19 under the 20.

16 de junio de 2020

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