¿Cómo Es Tu Cuidado Dental?
How Is Your Dental Care?
Si usted, o alguien que conoce, vive con VIH/SIDA, la Asociación Dental Estadounidense recomienda que la atención de salud dental sea parte de todos los planes de tratamiento del VIH/SIDA. Esto se debe a que las personas que viven con VIH/SIDA son más susceptibles a infecciones, incluidas infecciones dentales, que pueden afectar su salud general
Su boca puede ser la primera parte de su cuerpo afectada cuando se infecta con el VIH. Debido a que la infección por VIH debilitará su sistema… leer más
If you, or someone you know, is living with HIV/AIDS, the American Dental Association recommends that dental health care be part of all HIV/AIDS treatment plans. That’s because people living with HIV/AIDS are more susceptible to infections including dental infections, which can affect their overall health
Your mouth may be the first part of your body to be affected when infected with HIV. Because infection with HIV will weaken your immune system, this means you will be susceptible to… read more
I went yesterday, x-rays, cleaning and had a perfect visit. It's important for me to keep up on my visits not just because of my HIV, but also because of my long meth abuse history. Meth pulls the calcium from your system. That's why so many meth users lose their teeth. I'm very blessed because I only lost a couple in the back, but I was still going while i was using...still not a good idea.
Bone loss in your jaw is a major problem for meth users, and that bone loss causes gum recession which also contributes to tooth loss.
I've been clean now for 22 years. I can't stress enough the importance for good dental care. There are programs available for those that don't have insurance. Please check them out.
If you have a case worker at your HIV docs office, they are an excellent resource...use them.
God bless y'all and have a great day!!!
@Un miembro de myHIVteam my liver stopped functioning for close to a year then it healed.... Thank God it can regenerate if only a little portion exists. I was pretty sick, I couldn't get out of bed and couldn't eat much. I slept a majority of the time
Way to go on the 22 years, I've been clean from meth about 17 and a half.
I'm just like Axelteran, so go pretty much monthly for adjustments to my dental braces, plus get my teeth cleaned twice a year along with an annual check up with x-rays. Use a water pick and Philips Sonicare electric tooth brush.
Going to the dentist is a positive painless experience for me. I'm openly gay and poz there and never get any kind of negative pushback, if anything extremely supportive of who I am ;)
well I on the other hand I had a bad dental i actually had to contact the Ryan White act to have them help me get dentures. I had to have all of my teeth removed because I had very bad bone loss, I feel that's due to taking truvada for so long. Cause now a days they found truvada to be linked to ppl. With hiv/Aids of bone loss.
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