¿Podrías Aceptar Ser Maltratado Y Discriminado Por Tu Pareja Sólo Porque Te Enamoras? ¿Y Él O Ella Es Negativo?
Could You Accept Being Mistreated And Discriminated By Your Partner Just Because You Fall In Love?And He Or She Is Negative?
Me enamoré de alguien después de mucho tiempo de estar solo. Me rogó que me mudara con él, pero me negué porque escuché un presentimiento de lo que se avecinaba. Después de varias reuniones, decidí decirle que soy VIH p. Él estaba un poco sorprendido, pero luego dijo que aún podemos estar juntos y ser felices sin contagiarnos el uno al otro, ya que le di algunos consejos e incluso el Dr. lo hizo. Para mí no fue fácil e incluso dije varias veces que No puedo salir con alguien que no sea VIH P… leer más
I fall in love with someone after long time of being alone.He beg me to move in with him but i refused since i heard a feeling of what is coming.After several meeting i decided i should tell him that am hiv p. He was kind of shocked but then said we can still be together and be happy without passing it to each other since i gave him some advice and even the Dr. did.For me it wasn't easy and i even said several times that i can't date with someone who is not Hiv P but as we say love is blind.
So… read more
I'm so sorry my friend. Don't put yourself or your children in a situation where anyone puts you or them down. You are worthy!!!
Honey just run your daughter does not need to see you being treated like that. I don't know how old she is but seeing you being treated like that she may get the idea that's how a woman is to be treated. You don't let no man or woman disrespect you they are not worth your time. You have a beautiful child who looks to you for guidance. I have been in those relationships it only gets worse. You have a beautiful heart to protect the other women that's great. You need to focus on you and your child's happiness and safety. It's not fair to you or her. Good luck sweetie we love you here. Be strong and kick the man to the curb because you and your daughter deserve much better.
I came from a mentally abusing relationship.If I could I’ll take back the year I was with my ex. But I wouldn’t have met y’all. It starts slow. A few words here and there. Enough to catch our attention and questioned if we heard correctly. Never second guess your instinct. You’ve thrived with hiv. You deserve so much better. Sending you loves and hugs back❤️ 🤗
I think you know the answer to this one he's not worth it in time the right one will come along and you'll know it stay strong
Leave I also feel in love with a negative guy. I was not fully accepted. We deserve to have real love
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