¿Cómo Donar Cuerpo Para La Investigación Del VIH?
How To Donate Body For HIV Research?
He vivido más de la mitad de mi vida (36 años) con VIH. No ha habido problemas médicos, infecciones oportunistas ni discapacidades físicas atribuibles al virus. Solo soy Byll, sin hechizos, ni tratamientos especiales, ni viajes a tierras extranjeras, etc
Sin embargo, este cuerpo me ha mantenido durante muchos años, a pesar de la muerte de parejas, familiares y amigos. También debo honrar a las innumerables personas que han fallecido
He llegado a la conclusión de que podría haber algo en mis… leer más
I have lived more than half my life (36 years) with HIV. There've been no med issues, opportunistic infections, or physical handicaps attributable to the virus. I am just Byll, no spells, or special treatments, or travels to foreign lands etc
Yet, this body has kept me these many years, despite the deaths of partners, family and friends. I must also give honor to the untold countless folk who have passed on
I've concluded that there might be something in my genes/cells that might contribute to… read more
Thank you ALL for your input. As always, my day has been made brighter by your sincere outreach.
it's good to see you again there my friend. The NIH is the institution that I go to for a lots of information regarding AIDS cancer research covid etc here's an article I found about organ research within our community which helps the entire organ transplant community. It's a good read...
or go to this link and just start calling schools to see if they do medical research and if they don't, maybe they can tell you who can.
Como Encontre Tratamiento Para Vih
Síntoma Del VIH
¿Es Usted Un Cuidador? O ¿Tiene Un Cuidador?