¿Cuántos Años Llevas Luchando Contra El Vih/sida?
How Many Years Have You Been Fighting Hiv/aids ?
Al principio pensé que era esto. Pero después de encontrar este sitio descubrí muchas personas que han estado luchando contra esta enfermedad. Mi nombre es ernest y este es mi sexto año luchando. ¿¿¿Y tú???
At first I thought this was it. But after I found this site I discovered lots of people who have been battling this disease. My name is ernest and this is my 6th year fighting. How about you???
26 years and I have been undetectable the whole time because I listen to my Doctor, take my meds, and take care of myself ❣️
32 years. I've been undetectable for almost 18 years. I cherish all the things that have made me who I am today. NO MATTER HOW HARD IT CAN BE.
Many of us long-term (39 years!) survivors are elders or getting there (sooner or later). There are several plans, proposals, and studies on ageing and co-morbidities in PozHealth (look it up!). I'm one of those w/HIV, cholesterol issues, high blood pressure, borderline anal cancer, acid reflux, potential for kidney stones, all of which are being monitored and/or meds prescribed. Self-care, exercise, healthy diet, social connection w/family and friends (are minimal at best). Living alone is okay and turning 75 years young in February, to me, is an accomplishment indeed. To age-in-place is my goal and preparing for this a lot to learn.
I was diagnosed in 2003. My best friend and my soon to be partner cried for me. I came home, prayed, cried a little and told myself I was not going to let this virus kill me. Here I am, 2021, undetectable. My then partner is now my ex and I have had a new partner for 15 years now. I have also been very private about me being HIV+. I'm just a normal guy, like the boy next door!
I’m only 7 months & still nervous even with all the good news I hear & read here.
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