¿Alguien Se Siente Físicamente Enfermo Si Se Enoja O Se Estresa?
Anyone Feel Physically Sick If They Get Upset/stressed?
Hablando de cosas que me molestan. Los resultados son: me duele el costado, heces con sangre, me siento débil y cansado, me duele la cabeza. Esto sucede cada vez que hay estrés. ¿Por qué?
Talking about stuff that bothers me. Results being: my side hurts, bloody stool, feel weak and tired, head hurts. This happens every time theres stress. Why?
I don’t get physically ill when stressed but what you are describing sounds as if you should see your doctor right away.
The blissful surrender of sex and more sex cures many ailments no matter what ails you. Doesn't it just take you away when enjoying the stimulation?
I can feel like crap and become nauseous 🤢 when I am stressed too thin, then I remember my happy place, leave the area, and do the deed.
I speak from experience since I've been around long enough to share this experience.
Have you been check for Crohn's. Stress can aggregate symptoms.
stress and HIV are a bad combination. you need to take time out for yourself to relax and get your mental focus.
Here's a tip, don't worry about what you can't change... Kinda like ignore it or accept it. Change what you can.
Esta No Es Una Pregunta Sobre El VIH En Sí. Me Pregunto Si Soy El Único Hombre Bisexual Casado Con Una Mujer En Este Grupo.
¿Cuánto Cuesta El Tratamiento Para No Residentes En Miami?
Compañeros Que Viven Con El VIH En El Sureste De Wisconsin. Vivo En El Condado De Milwaukee. En Realidad, No Hay Atención Médica Para El VIH Disponible En Australia. Tampoco En Sheboygan.