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Hola Chicos

Hi Guys

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Seattle, WA

Hola chicos,
¿Alguien aquí, si alguien sabe, que VIH como nosotros puede solicitar el beneficio de la SSA? ¿Ya que mi salud está empeorando y no trabajo y es posible que no trabaje durante algunos meses?

Hi guys,
Anyone here if anyone know that HIV like us can apply for SSA benefit? since my health going down and i dont work and may not work for few month ?

28 de agosto de 2021
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

I'm fairly new here and don't have much of a support system. I generally don't disclose my status. My case managers have suggested I apply for SSI but I never have. I have HIV and
PTSD From the sexual assault which made me positive. I am reconsidering my options but not sure where to go to get started. I'd love to hear from anyone who has applied for SSI successfully. Thanks!

8 de enero de 2023
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I got approved ror social security right away. At the time my health was going way down.

5 de septiembre de 2021
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I've been researching it. I wasn't approved when I applied initially. I was assigned an ssa attorney in the hospital . I was ashamed to tell anyone I needed help with the application. I still do to be honest. As well as reading other things. I eventually got a job and moved on with my life. My productivity and attention span declined prior to diagnosis. I used to be a really good underwriter, but I no longer have the brain power.

29 de agosto de 2021
Un miembro de myHIVteam

En cierto sentido, tuve suerte porque tenía 67 años cuando me diagnosticaron y Medicare (al menos hasta ahora) y mi plan de la Parte D han sido excelentes. Estoy jubilado y mi jubilación se divide al 50% con la de mi ex, por lo que califico para recibir asistencia de Southern Colorado Health Network. El resto me las arreglo con la Seguridad Social. Si no fuera por estas fuentes y por vivir en el sótano de mi ex por un alquiler menor que el de un apartamento promedio en Colorado, no sé cómo sobreviviría. Además, mi atención médica consiste básicamente en mi medicamento ART (Biktarvy) y mi viaje de identificación de 6 meses. No sé las ramificaciones financieras que tendrían si sufriera una crisis grave y no pudiera sobrevivir por mi cuenta. Rezo para que nunca llegue a eso, pero después de todo, tengo 70 años y las pequeñas cosas están empezando a acumularse. Muchas gracias por escuchar. Dios los bendiga a todos.

In a sense, i lucked out in that i was 67 when i was diagnosed and Medicare (so far anyway) and my Part D plan has been super. I am retired and my retirement is split 50-50 with my ex so I qualify for assistance from Southern Colorado Health Network. The rest i squeak by on Social Security. Were it not for these sources and living in my ex’s basement for less rent than the average Colorado apartment I don’t know how i’d survive. Also, my healthcare prwtty well consists of my ART med (Biktarvy) and my 6 month ID doc trip. I don’t know the financial ramifications would be if/when I severely downturn and can’t survive on my own. I pray it never comes to that but after all, i am 70 and the little things are starting to add up. Thanks so much for listening. God bless you all.

5 de julio de 2023
Un miembro de myHIVteam

26 years ago, the treating doctor for my HIV suggested I get on SSI, placing me into a disabled position.
I was diagnosed 36 years ago but remained in denial for the first 10 years until I really started to feel sick. During the 10-year denial, I did not have any sex with men out of fear. So, the disease was still in me incubating.
The problem I saw was I still felt capable of working and supporting my young family, so I asked the doctor why I would consider becoming disabled when I feel okay, after starting the ART, he still suggested I go on disability to remove some stress I was experiencing back then. I told the doctor that the stress of not making ends meet living on SSI would stress me out more and force us to live in poverty.
I still refused and till this day, I get up every day to get to my work that I enjoy, and it keeps me off needing to depend on the government for me and my family's support. I will save Social Security for when I retire at age 70. I have 7 more years to go and will probably keep working well after 70. When I reach age 65, I will draw a stipend from my substantial 401k savings thereby supplementing my weaning off of work seeking something easier to do for the last 5 years before fully retiring and stopping work. I will spend my retirement days with my grandchildren and traveling.

Today, If I applied and tried to get any Soc Sec benefits, my payout would be way less whether it's for SSI or Soc Sec retirement benefits that I qualify for and start drawing this year since turning 63.
I would have a difficult time trying to get the SSI because I wasn't made to jump through hoops and loopholes that is our government.
For those of us who really and truly need it because they are not capable of going to work, for no fault of their own, fight for what you believe is due you. Go all the way taking advantage of all options that will help you. Imagine receiving a huge retroactive payout from Uncle Sam's Social Security Bank, after you have succeeded in your goal.

The option was on the table for me, but it sounded too easy and as an excuse for not wanting to work anymore.

30 de octubre de 2022

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