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¿Tiene Curiosidad Por Saber Si Alguien Ha Dado Positivo En La Prueba De Covid Después De La Vacunación Y El Refuerzo?

Curious If Anyone Has Tested Positive For Covid Following Both Vaccinations And Booster?

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Seattle, WA

El otro día fui a la cita con un médico de cabecera cuya clínica ha visto a varias personas llegar con un avance de Covid, lo que significa que dieron positivo después de todas las vacunas. Dicen que aquellos de nosotros, las personas inmunes y autoinmunes, es posible que necesitemos recibir otro refuerzo más temprano que tarde debido a esto. Supongo que nada es una prueba completa, pero estoy muy contento de haberme vacunado con el refuerzo. Me preguntaba si usted o usted conoce a alguien que… leer más

I went to a doctor's appt the other day who is a GP whose clinic has seen a number of people coming in with breakthrough Covid, meaning testing positive after all the vacs. They say those of us immune and auto immune folks may need to receive yet another booster sooner than later because of this. I guess nothing is full proof but very glad I got vaccinated with the booster. Just wondered if you or you know anyone who has had a breakthrough positive Covid test since being vaccinated?

BTW… read more

1 de noviembre de 2021
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

To be honest, I think the covid vaccine will be no different than the yearly flu vaccine. Like the flu, even if you get the flu shot, you can still get the flu, just not as severe. Covid vaccine is no different, you can still get covid with the vaccine, but not nearly as bad if you didn't get it.

2 de noviembre de 2021
Un miembro de myHIVteam

It's not uncommon for people vaxxd x 2 contract covid or covid D. The symptoms are milder and most do not need hospitalization.

Studies in just last week say persons with HIV may have a higher tolerance to catching the virus if on meds and maintaining undetectable status. I am getting 3rd jab in 10 days. B.C. Canada rushing out booster shots to help seniors, compromised immune systems and front end workers plus restaurant food services employees.

1 de noviembre de 2021
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Yes. I tested positive 3 weeks ago...Had Pfizer shots in Aug & Sep.Was down with Covid for about a week, but had minimal symptoms. Two days after being tested, I had the monoclonal antibody treatment (which, after a year of Trogarzo infusions, was a walk in the park). Next day I was free of symptoms, and tested negative for Covid a week later. Like I said, my symptoms were quite minimal: blazing headache, aches in my joints, loss of smell and taste, and weariness. I got taste back and smell part of the way back. And the weariness continued for awhile. I attribute my quick recovery to the antibody treatment, the vaccines (which don't prevent Covid but do impart limited immunity), and also to ART meds. I didn't have remdesevir, but have read a great deal that some of these ART drugs we all take may act on Covid the same way remdesevir does. Just thankful that I didn't end up in the hospital, or have it much worse. Out of my six kids & their spouses, four of them had covid and had much worse symptoms than their immuno-compromised, overweight father.

3 de noviembre de 2021 (edited)
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Update was negative for Covid after my 3rd Covid shot ,so got to see ma in person ! She is also negative with 3rd shot !

2 de noviembre de 2021
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I had both my vaccines (pfizer) in March/April and contracted Covid in July/August. I lost my taste and smell for a few days. My mother and father were also fully vaccinated at the ssme time and contracted it a few weeks ago. Im thinking its more common than being reported.

2 de noviembre de 2021

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