La Vacuna Contra El VIH Que Genera Anticuerpos Ampliamente Neutralizantes Supera El Primer Estudio De Seguridad Y Prueba De Concepto En Humanos
HIV Vaccine That Generates Broadly Neutralising Antibodies Passes First Safety And Proof-of-concept Study In Humans
Este es un artículo prometedor, pero no nos ayudará a quienes ya tenemos VIH. Quizás esto podría ser el fin de las nuevas infecciones en un futuro próximo. ¿Qué piensas sobre esto? Lea más aquí en este enlace:
This is a promising article, but it will not help us who already have HIV. Maybe this could be the end of new infections in the near future. What are your thoughts on this? Read more here at this link: make it a deadly virus by your own doing. Or you can make it judt a thing which you have control over and not the other way round.
Every time someone gets this virus, young or grown, it hurts so many of us. A vaccine would be welcome in my world.
@Un miembro de myHIVteam, there would still be drug customers. A vaccine will not anything for us who currently have HIV, so drug companies can still rape us alive. Since we with HIV would still need the medications, there would still development of new drugs.
I know a few years back I had a dram I was watching the news they showed a hiv positive person told to take 5 pills come back and get a vaccine then no more hiv maybe my dream will become true
Probablemente tu experiencia se deba al lugar donde vives. Si uno vive en la parte trasera del sureste de Estados Unidos, es más probable que sea exagerado. Lo sé porque viniendo del área de los tres estados de la ciudad de Nueva York, luego casándome a los 47 años y mudándome a las malditas montañas del norte de Georgia, hay un marcado contraste.
Your experience is probably due to to where you live. If one lives in the backwards southeast part of America that is more likely to be exaggerated. I know because coming from NYC tristate area then getting married at 47 and moving to bumf__ North Georgia Mountains there is a stark contrast.
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