Cualquiera Toma [[tratamiento:Dovato:5d0430c37dea25669a71b432]]
Anyone Take Dovato
He estado en [[tratamiento:Biktarvy:5bbfcc867dea2526b1ac791e]] desde mi diagnóstico inicial en junio de 2022. He sido indetectable desde septiembre de 2022. He ganado bastante peso. Entonces mi médico se ofrece a cambiarme a [[tratamiento:Dovato:5d0430c37dea25669a71b432]]. ¿Alguien tiene alguna idea sobre este medicamento? ¿Algún punto positivo o negativo?
I have been on Biktarvy since my initial diagnosis June 2022. I’ve been undetectable since September 2022. I have gained a good bit of weight. So my doctor is offering to change me to Dovato. Does anyone have any insight on this drug? Any positives or negatives?
I am doing good on Duvato. No bad effects and I lost weight that I was trying hard to lose. I work everyday a little bit. My numbers are good but I've been on 18 different meds over time. Doing good in Ohio😁
Same story as yours Gained so much weight but after changing to Dovato still Undetectable and back down to my normal size after hard work
I was bitrvay at first then it started give me stomach troubles, and my doctor changed me over to the Dovto I like it best with no side effects.
Thanks for the information
¿Crees Que Es Necesario Decirle A Una Posible Pareja Sexual Que Eres Indetectable?
¿Cuáles Son Los Usos De Las Pastillas Soma?
El Estudio U=U.