Quién Tiene Problemas De Audición O Visión.
Who Is Having Hearing And Or Vision Problems.
Mis ojos se vuelven borrosos y no escucho muchas cosas sin mis audífonos.
My eyes are getting fuzzy and I don't hear a lot of things without my hearing aids.
I’m just a typical 60 year old, as far as vision and hearing go.
My eye doctor said since I have hiv he said I should have an eye check once a year I guess having hiv affects your eyes my though but my hearing is o.k. so far I'm starting too get a cataract in one of my eyes I'm assuming g that's because I have hiv I don't know though go to him this year sometime
I have hearing issues. But in my case, I’m not sure if the problem is HIV or AGE.😐
@Un miembro de myHIVteam, he tenido tinnitus desde que tengo uso de razón, cuando era niño. Ha estado sonando constantemente las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, los 365 días del año durante 52 años. Es normal para mí ya que he vivido con ello toda mi vida. Creo que tenía unos 10 años cuando descubrí que no era normal. Siempre pensé que tenía que ver con algo acerca de la Tierra girando sobre su eje. Algunos días el timbre es MUY FUERTE.
@A myHIVteam Member, I've had tinnitus ever since I can remember as a kid. It's been constant ringing 24/7/365 for 52 years. It's normal to me since I've lived with it for all my life. I think I was about 10 when I found out it wasn't normal. I always thought it had to do with something about the Earth spinning on it's axis. Some days the ringing is REALLY LOUD.
I spent last year trialling contact lenses as my sight is getting worse, I’ve just had some gas permeable lenses made for me as I ran out of options with soft lenses, but they’re so uncomfortable so may not be for me. As for my hearing, I’m having to put subtitles on more than I used to (and I hate to say it’s worse with foreign accents), but I guess this is due to age and not the virus.
Quien Quiere Ser Mi Amigo En Richmond California
¿A Quién Le Apetece Una Margarita Hoy?
¿Consideras Que Tener VIH Es Una Discapacidad?