Si Está Disponible. ¿Estarías Entre Los Primeros En Tomar Una ¿Vacuna Contra El "VIH"?
If Available. Would You Be Amongst The First To Take An " HIV" Vaccine?
Esto es únicamente hipotético... pero si se creara una vacuna y las compañías de Global Research estuvieran buscando participantes calificados para recibir la vacuna contra el VIH, ¿lo haría usted?
This is solely a hypothetical..... but if there was a vaccination that was created and Global Research companies were looking for qualified participants to take the HIV vaccination , would you?
Given that I have been positive since 1984 and took most all of the drugs as they became available, I would not want to be one of the first. I've made my contribution to saving lives of HIV positive people and will let others participate in the experiment first. Not being selfish, just that my body has been through a whole lot and I don't want to push my luck. Love to you all.
@Un miembro de myHIVteam - Sometimes vaccination can be used to bump up the immune response, but I agree, it wouldn't be for those infected.
It may be hard to find uninfected people willing to test it. That stigma is fading, but far from gone. People WITH HIV may be less fearful(?).
All the recent political badmouthing of vaccination has done a great disservice. Many childhood diseases have become invisible due to the success of vaccination.
Vaccines are to prevent sickness. We are already "sick" with HIV. SO a vaccine won't help.
Researchers around the world do not expect any type of vaccine until at least the year 2030. That makes it 7 years from now. I'm hoping that most of us if not all of us will survive with our current medications. These vaccinations are for both HIV positive and HIV negative people. They need the HIV positive participants in order to test the medicine further so that they can create the correct combination. Boosters may be necessary. Thanks for all your answers.
I'd participate anyway, they needed me.
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