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Miembros reales de myHIVteam han publicado preguntas y respuestas que respaldan las pautas de nuestra comunidad y no deben tomarse como consejo médico. ¿Busca el contenido más reciente revisado médicamente por médicos y expertos? Visita nuestra sección de recursos.

¿Solo Querías Morir Después De Descubrir Que Tenías El Virus O Simplemente Querías Gritar Cosas Muy Fuertes O Drogarte Con Drogas O Bebidas?

Did You Just Want To Died After You Found Out You Had Virus Or Just Want To Scream Real Loud Hit Stuff ,or Get High On Drugs Or Drinks ?

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Oakland, CA
1 de abril de 2023
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

I took the news very well was not surprised at all. Months later I started making my funeral arrangements I bought a grave site and started making payments on the casket that was 21 years ago I sold it all I'm not ready to die yet.

1 de abril de 2023
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Dave283 glad you Mark my question here .Here is a hug

4 de abril de 2023
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Dave283 thanks for hug here is hug for you

5 de abril de 2023
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I was stabbed at a accident with 4 syringes all had blood in them hospital told me the man died had AIDS i was tested started medication already had a weak immune system 6 months later i had full blown aids lost my job on the fire department and they told everyone. I was mad as hell did a lot of drinking my house was tared family and friends walked away yes i wanted to die 29 years later still here still married new friends new family now the medications are slowly killing me. Wife and step kids still by my side

2 de abril de 2023 (edited)
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Absolutely, I was diagnosed about 3 weeks after my boyfriend left me. He was very promiscuous with males and females, no protection, yada yada. I was filled with soul crushing depression, I did want to live, but I felt like everyone would reject me, judge me, etc. I was also terrified about any sort of infection, I still am but not as bad. And I've always been a drug abuser, so I couldn't get high enough to dull the hurt. I'm better now, gave up the IV drugs, on meds for depression, and in therapy. Hope this helps

2 de abril de 2023

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