Tengo Calor Crónico Y Sudo Mucho. ¿Qué Ocurre?
I Am Chronically Hot And I Sweat A Lot. What's Wrong?
Pregunta sobre estar siempre caliente.
Question about always being hot.
Hi @Un miembro de myHIVteam, it could be your meds causing this, it could just be your body changing. I was never one to sweat much but when it started pouring off me I saw a dermatologist. They diagnosed hyperhidrosis, prescribed glycopyrronium bromide which unfortunately I couldn’t get here in the UK, I managed to get propantheline which helps enormously - no more soggy shirts! Alternatively, Botox in the armpits. From what I can gather, it just happened on me, it was age, although I do think it’s probably a side effect of the other meds I take.
Hello Luther, I don't know why you might be hot maybe it might be the medications
you are taking. Some HIV medications do make you sweat. Check with your doctor and drink lots of ice water. I hope this helps.
It could be your meds. Do you have any neuropathies? I have trouble with my body temperature. I run my air conditioner all summer. And keep my heat on with the window open in the winter. My sweating attacks have either slowed or I've adapted. They used to be pretty bad when I got out of the shower. My sweating was bad on Truvada and Genvoya. Since I've switched to biktarvy I have drenching night sweats almost every night. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/...
No hay necesidad de darle una paliza a un caballo muerto. Consulte con su médico. Sé que mis medicamentos afectan mi metabolismo y me despierto en medio de la noche sudando y teniendo sofocos como una reina de la menopausia.
There’s no need to beat up a dead horse. Check with ur doctor. I know my meds mess up with my metabolism and I wake up in the middle of the night sweating and having hot flashes like a menopausal queen.
It mught be a reation to the summer heat or something else? Have you tlked to your doctor?
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