¿Cuándo Es El Momento Adecuado Para Contarle A Tu Pareja Tu Estado? | myHIVteam

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¿Cuándo Es El Momento Adecuado Para Contarle A Tu Pareja Tu Estado?
When Is The Right Time To Tell Your Partner About Your Status?
Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
publicado 7 de noviembre de 2016
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

I was never given the chance to decide when he was told since he was at my bedside in the hospital when the Dr told the tale .
Now however it was my partner ( later husband ) that decided that he wanted to be the person who told me " baby you have Aids " .
Now mind you this was after him bringing me home to care for me himself ( which cost him his driving job at Hornady truck lines ).
He decided to wait until I had come far enough thru dementia that I could understand what I was being told .

publicado 5 de mayo de 2023
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Tell u the truth I was in the same predicament when it came to my partner honestly I was freakin out..... I kno Krazie right but at first I was hesitated cause we only known each other for 2weeks n now we 7months strong but back on the topic when Disclosure of your Status only u know when to tell the person ex specially u really care bout there feelings too but when I told my lover I was scared at first had dinner cook drinkin red wine washed dishes now it time to tell him but as we watchin tv an commercial do u kno yo partner status n from there I started crying..... he was looking at me if he did somethin but I was like I got something to tell u but I dnt know how u can take it I told him I'm HIV+ he said we get through this together

publicado 15 de noviembre de 2016
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Bueno, cerdito, me he "descubierto" tantas veces en los últimos 20 años que he perdido la cuenta.

Estaba trabajando en un entorno público cuando mi PCP de identificación me pidió que fuera parte de un ensayo pictórico de una estudiante de posgrado que estaba cursando su maestría en identificación.

Sin pensar en las ramificaciones de hacerlo, dije que sí.

Luego llegó el momento de tomar la foto y casualmente mi esposo estaba en casa después de la carretera ese día, así que la foto era de nosotros juntos.

Comenzaron a exhibir los formularios tamaño póster de los 20 que fuimos seleccionados en los pasillos de la clínica.
Al saber que algunos de los clientes del restaurante en el que trabajaba también eran pacientes de la clínica, comencé a preocuparme por mi trabajo.
Investigué sobre la ADA y entré armado con el conocimiento de que no podían despedirme por tener SIDA.

Se lo dije al gerente general, quien por supuesto se lo dijo a los gerentes subordinados y, como líder del equipo de mi sección, se lo dijo a mi segundo en la cadena.

Aproximadamente una semana después, de repente me convertí en la fuente de información sobre "un amigo de un amigo acaba de dar positivo" que me convenía porque aquellos que más importaban en realidad me protegían porque les encantaba trabajar conmigo.
Eso duró 6 años y luego el 0lace cerró.

Lo más importante que hice por mí fue participar en un concurso de cuero local en 2015.
Una parte del concurso fue, por supuesto, un discurso para el cual yo no estaba preparado.
Preparado .

Mientras tomaba el micrófono del mc solté "Tengo sida pero soy undectaboe".

La multitud de gilipollas a codo se quedó en un silencio sepulcral hasta tal punto que se podría haber escuchado un cabello caer al suelo.

Escuchar mis palabras resonando a través de los parlantes me dio el descaro para continuar.
Lo que se suponía iba a ser un discurso de 90 segundos duró unos 10 minutos.
Mientras salía del escenario, me dieron una palmada en la espalda y me alegraron tanto que casi comencé a llorar porque había hecho público mi estatus.

Mis palabras y la capacidad de estar orgulloso cuando me "revelé" públicamente parecían haberle dado a otros su "propia voz" para poder salir del armario porque mi PCP de identificación comentó sobre la repentina cantidad de pacientes que ya no temían hablar abiertamente. sobre su propio estado así que le conté lo que había hecho y ella me dio un gran abrazo por poder luchar contra mi propio miedo interior.

Well piglet I have " outed " myself so many times over the last 20 years that I have lost count .

I was working in a public setting when my id pcp asked me to be part of a pictorial essay by a grad student working toward her master's in ID .

Not thinking about any ramifications of doing so said yes .

Then came picture time and husband just happened to be home from the road that day so the foto was of us together .

They began displaying the poster size forms of the 20 of us that were selected in the halls of the clinic .
Knowing some of the customers of the restaurant I was working at were also patients of the clinic began to worry about my job .
Did my research on the ada and went in armed with the knowledge that I could not be terminated for having Aids .

I told the general manager who 9f course told the subordinate managers and as the team leader of my section told my second in the chain .

About a week later all of a sudden I was to become the fountain for " a friend of a friend just tested positive " information which suited me just find because those that mattered most actually protected me because they loved working with me .
That lasted 6 years then the 0lace closed .

The biggest thing I did for myself was enter into a local leather contest in 2015 .
One part of the contest was of course a speech for which I was not 0r
Prepared .

As I took the mic from the mc I blurted out " I have Aids but am undectaboe " .

The asshole to elbow crowd got deathly silent so much so you could have heard a hair hit the floor .

Hearing my words echoing back to me thru the speakers gave me the chutzpah to carry on .
What was supposed to be a 90 second speech carried on about 10 minutes .
As I walked off the stage I was back slapped and glad handed that I nearly began to cry because I had gone public with my status .

My words and the ability to stand proud when I " outed " my self publicly seemed to have given others their " own voice " to be able to come out because my id pcp commented about the sudden amount of her patients who no longer feared talking openly about their own status so I told her what I had done and she gave me a big hug for being able to fight back against my own inner fear .

publicado 16 de septiembre de 2023
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Right Away ✅️

publicado 9 de abril de 2023
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I told my partner as soon as we had a good talking relationship. I think that it is important to be honest with your partner from the beginning. My partner respected me for being so forthcoming to him. My partner is negative, and have stayed that way for 9 years. (The time that we have been together). I know it may be hard to tell someone you care about your status, but its best to tell them and let them choose whether they want to continue pursuing the relationship.

publicado 21 de enero de 2017

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