¿Alguien En El Área De WS, Carolina Del Norte Está Tomando Complera? ¡Contáctame!
Is Anyone In The WS, NC Area Taking Complera? Contact Me!
Complera was my first medication. I had renal failure and now stage 4 kidney disease. My dr changed my meds
My HIV meds have never given me problems except maybe constipation. I took Truvada & Isentress for over 5 years and now I take Isentress and Descovy. The new combination is less damaging to my liver damage, supposedly. These drugs work great for me @$3,000 per mo, thanks to Ryan White Fund my cost is $0.
Hi, I live in Graham, near Burlington. I do not take Complera, sorry I cannot help but it's important to build a good relationship with your physician, to talk and let them know everything. I left Moses Cone because I did not like my doctor. UNC CH is great for me. All the doctors answer questions and keep me informed. I know Chapel Hill is too far for you, but its important to find a doctor you can relate to. I may have said nothing pertinent for you, I'm sorry. But I know my doctor has my best answers for the drugs I take. Best wishes...
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