Relaciones (solo Por Diversión)
Relationships (just For Fun)
Si sois pareja, gay o heterosexual, ¿cómo conocisteis a vuestra pareja?
Me encanta saber cómo se conoció la gente. Así que escuchemos tu historia. Esto podría ponerse interesante.
If you are a couple, gay or straight, how did you meet your partner?
I love to hear about how people met. So let's hear your story. This could get interesting.
Met my man 5 yrs ago on Grindr, I’m HIV+ and he’s Negative and he never made it a problem that I was positive.
My husband and I actually met 15 years ago working at the same mall, introduced to each other by a friend. We dated for 2 years and our lives just started going in separate directions and we broke up, It just wasnt our time. Fast forward 13 years later and we reconnect online and start dating again. A year later we move in together. A year after that we got married. Sometimes the good things in life have a way of returning when you need them the most ;)
I met my wife when I was 16 years old and was doing some help for our local Easter Seals Society. After meeting her I ask if she would like go out to a movie or something and she said yes. We dated for over a year and a half when I asked her to marry me. She said yes...but only if she could pick the date of the wedding. Well she picked the day before my birthday the next year and said that way if I ever forgot my wedding anniversary she would forget my birthday. LOL. We were married the day before my 20 birthday and I never forgot it either. We were married in 1976 until January 14, 1993 when she passed away. After this I decided to move to Texas to be with my family that had moved there many years before that. After a year being in Texas I got my first computer with internet service. I got on AOL and visited the Widow and Widower Chat room. I started talking to a gal who came in who had lost her husband and her only child a year before this. Anyways we talked and supported each other for almost 2 years before things finally clicked in her mind, that is when she really put things together and she asked me if I ever lived in Michigan when I was a child, I told her yes I did, and told her why I was now living in Texas. Once I told her that I lived in Lansing Michigan and she asked if I had a brother named Pat who went to a certain elementry school and I told her yea, it was then that she told me her maiden name and could not believe it, We actually grow up in the same neiborhood and she lived just around the corner from us... She ended up moving down to Texas to be with me and we stayed there until 09-11-2006 when we moved back to Michigan and we been here in the same apartment since then.
I will answer with this picture.
Single but have a soul mate roommate
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