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Sé Que Esta Es Una Pregunta Difícil, Pero ¿alguna Vez Has Intentado O Pensado En Quitarte La Vida? ¿Qué Te Detuvo?

I Know This Is A Tough Question But Have You Ever Tried To Or Thought About Taking Your Own Life? What Stopped You?

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
London, UK

Un amigo mío descubrió que era positivo y casi inmediatamente se fue a casa y se suicidó. Muchas veces había pensado lo mismo antes del diagnóstico, pero eso era cuando todavía era una sentencia de muerte.

Tema difícil pero me pregunto cómo se sienten los demás.

A friend of mine found out he was positive and almost immediately went home and killed himself. I had often thought the same way before diagnosis but that was when it was still a death sentence.

Hard topic but I'm wondering how others feel

4 de diciembre de 2017
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

It is so sad to hear of anyone taking there own life. I believe in two things: Giving up is not an option & My twin brother died from complications due to Aids, but not by his own hands. So I believe if I was to take my own life I wouldn't end up in the same place as him. And some days those are the only two things keeping me alive. In closing: Don't give up before the Miracle Happens. God Bless Us All

4 de diciembre de 2017
Un miembro de myHIVteam

@Un miembro de myHIVteam Ketamine is a pretty intense anesthesia. As a doctor we have used such for chronic pain but there are many dangers to this drug. I am now reading about infusion therapy for depression. Thank you for bringing this to attention

19 de diciembre de 2017
Un miembro de myHIVteam

The year was 1996. I live in Canada. When I found out I was Poz. I planned a trip to the states to San Francisco. I stayed at the YMCA. I gone to the showers to start my day. Sat in the steam room. Then I was going head to the Golden gate bridge throw my ID off the the side with me right behind it, but I meet my great friend Walter who invited me to go out with him for lunch.. So I changed my mind about going for that walk to the bridge. I met up with Walter for lunch. We talked about everything. He came out being HIV positive. Like it was nothing. So I started to cry. He asked me why am I crying. I told him. I was feeling I was alone. Because at this time my family didn't want to have nothing to do with me. Whole reason why I was going jump. But Walter changed my mind. Because he said you can live long live.. So 21 years later I thank you Walter for saving my life. Till this day I am glad to have amazing friends and family around me. You never know who your gardening angels are. 😀

4 de diciembre de 2017 (edited)
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I have tried several times but by the grace of God it didn't work the last time I tried it was a year ago in April I took over 300 pills and I'm still here spent nine days in the hospital to all those out there that are thinking about killing yourself it's not worth it.

18 de junio de 2023
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I tried to kill my self with all the drugs i could do. I have had been a IV drug abuser since i was 17. But i have been clean for 4 years of now.

21 de mayo de 2018

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