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¿Tiene Problemas Para Encontrar Alguien Con Quien Salir Debido Al VIH Y/o Su Edad? ¿Cómo Lo Manejas?

Do You Have Trouble Finding Someone To Date Because Of HIV And/or Your Age? How Do You Handle It?

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Albuquerque, NM

Vivo en una zona del país con poca educación, donde, si eres honesto, normalmente te rechazan. Mientras no lo sepan, todo parece estar bien. La ignorancia es ciertamente una bendición.

Creo que a los 56 años me siento completamente cómodo con el hombre que soy y con lo que necesito de una pareja. Parece que esta claridad, junto con mi estatus, crea un conjunto de circunstancias muy difíciles que hacen que conocer a alguien que sea compatible y se atraiga mutuamente sea aún más difícil.

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I live in a under-educated part of the country, where if you are honest you are typically shunned. As long as they don't know, all seems to be well. Ignorance is indeed bliss.

I find that at 56 I have become completely comfortable with the man I am and with what I need from a mate. It seems that this clarity coupled with my status creates a very difficult set of circumstances which makes meeting someone both compatible and mutually attracted even harder.

Anyone else experience similar… read more

29 de enero de 2018
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

@Un miembro de myHIVteam (re your post)
I'm straight and female but believe ( as far as acceptance goes) it's not any easier for either "sides of the coin" .

25 de febrero de 2018
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Encontrar un hombre maduro que esté listo para sentar cabeza y vivir una vida juntos; comprometerse y disfrutar de los años pre dorados parece difícil de encontrar. A los 60, a veces me siento solo, pero mi paz es asombrosa. No me conformaré y todavía tengo muchas esperanzas de que nos crucemos. Si no, estoy haciendo la vida grandiosa y llena de aventuras.

Finding a mature man who’s ready to settle down and do life together; commit and enjoy the pre golden years seems hard to find. At 60, sometimes it gets lonesome, but my peace is amazing. I won’t settle and I’m still very hopeful we will cross paths. If not, I’m making life grand and adventures.

21 de febrero
Un miembro de myHIVteam

¡Intenta encontrar una manera de amarte a ti mismo lo suficiente y nunca te rindas!

Try to find a way to love yourself enough and never give up!

24 de septiembre de 2023
Un miembro de myHIVteam

yes it isn't so much the sex I miss as it is the companionship and finishing each others sentences of someone you have an intimate relationship with.

22 de julio de 2021
Un miembro de myHIVteam

At 36, undetectable for 8 years, and soon to be divorced, I've come to discover that a majority of people seem to think a relationship with someone else is supposed to "complete" them. I've been there and done that and the truth to the matter is that no one can make you complete except for yourself. A partner in crime shouldn't be a complement to your life but help supplement your life and vice versa. Being held responsible entirely for the others' happiness is a weight no one can hold; we are all human, make mistakes, cause each other grievances. It's what we do after that counts and defines your character, even if you are the only one aware of your actions after the fact.

2 de abril de 2019

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