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¿Alguien Más Tiene Miedo De Volver A Confiar?

Is Anybody Else Afraid To Trust Again?

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Jonesboro, GA

Lo di todo al hombre que me transmitió el VIH. Ahora tengo miedo incluso de amar o confiar de nuevo, tanto miedo de enfermarme más si trato con la mujer o el hombre equivocado. No sé que hacer espero no ser el único que se siente así ¿qué debo o puedo hacer?

I gave my all to the man that gave me HIV. Now I'm afraid to even love or trust again so afraid that I'm gonna get sicker if I deal with the wrong woman or man. I don't know what to do I hope I'm not the only one feeling like this what should or could I do?

31 de agosto de 2018
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

I guess I am the opposite it wasn't his fault the girl he was with before me gave it to him and when I told him he committed suicide and killed him self when I found out i had it i told everyone i am not scared of telling people if they don't like it or get scared of me oh well it just made me more wiser i guess cause I was just a young adult at 25 years old i am a lot more wiser now and I still tell people what I have

1 de septiembre de 2018
Un miembro de myHIVteam

i was for many years because my lasr two lovers were both sluts so about a year ago i learned how to trust again, i trust all of my dogs now

12 de septiembre de 2018
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I guess I'm always afraid to trust people....but try to realize that most people try to do good. They're's always one rotten apple but you can't forget about all the good ones can you?

31 de agosto de 2018
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Volver a confiar puede ser un desafío, especialmente después de vivir situaciones difíciles. Según la base de conocimientos, la confianza en uno mismo es crucial en el manejo del VIH. Un miembro compartió: "Cuando me diagnosticaron por primera vez, mantuve la boca cerrada incluso si mi médico decía algo incorrecto o Mostrar respuesta completa

Volver a confiar puede ser un desafío, especialmente después de vivir situaciones difíciles. Según la base de conocimientos, la confianza en uno mismo es crucial en el manejo del VIH. Un miembro compartió: "Cuando me diagnosticaron por primera vez, mantuve la boca cerrada incluso si mi médico decía algo incorrecto o incorrecto para mi cuerpo. Estoy aprendiendo a confiar en esos sentimientos (mi intuición) y a hablar". Es importante escuchar su intuición y defenderse a sí mismo. Si tienes un momento en el que dudaste de ti mismo y luego te diste cuenta de que tu instinto era correcto, compartirlo podría ayudar a otros.

Trusting again can be challenging, especially after experiencing difficult situations. According to the knowledge base, self-trust is crucial in managing HIV. One member shared, "When I was first diagnosed, I kept my mouth shut even if my doctor said something incorrect or wrong for my body. I'm learning to trust those Show Full Answer

Trusting again can be challenging, especially after experiencing difficult situations. According to the knowledge base, self-trust is crucial in managing HIV. One member shared, "When I was first diagnosed, I kept my mouth shut even if my doctor said something incorrect or wrong for my body. I'm learning to trust those feelings - my intuition - and speak up." It's important to listen to your intuition and advocate for yourself. If you have a moment when you doubted yourself and later realized your instinct was right, sharing it might help others.

30 de julio de 2024
Un miembro de myHIVteam

To be honest, It will be a long time, But I'm working on it. I still deep down want to be married and have a family. So I know it's something that I got to get over. Take as much time as you need to get your mind right.

8 de octubre de 2018

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