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Hola. ¿Alguien Ha Experimentado Problemas Dentales Relacionados Con Sus Medicamentos Contra El VIH?

Hi. Anyone Experience Dental Issues Related To Their HIV Meds?

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Tucson, AZ

¿Alguien experimenta problemas dentales, como caries, pérdida de esmalte blando y/o erosión de las encías como efecto adverso de sus medicamentos contra el VIH, específicamente Atripla? He estado tomando Atripla desde que estuvo disponible, hace más de 10 años, y tengo estos problemas dentales, a pesar de cuidar mis dientes. Mi dentista cree que se debe a los medicamentos que causan sequedad bucal, por lo que las bacterias prosperan en la boca, suavizando el esmalte en la línea de las encías y… leer más

Anyone experience dental issues, such as cavities, loss of, or soft enamel and/or gum erosion as an adverse effect of their HIV meds, Atripla, specifically? I've been taking Atripla since it became available, 10+ yrs ago, and I'm having these dental issues, despite taking care of my teeth. My dentist thinks it's from the meds causing dry mouth, so that bacteria thrives in the mouth, softening enamel at the gumline, creating a good environment for cavities to form.

22 de noviembre de 2018
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

Ramon, I read your post and I need to tell you that all Dentist are to practice using Universal Precautions, I have never told the dentist anything about being POZ and I make sure I don't tell them about the HIV meds! Nowadays it's thier responsibility to protect you and themselves! Some on this site might not like how I handle this, but I'm old school POZ and 30yrs ago no dentist would touch you! Praying for you my friend!

27 de noviembre de 2018
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I've been reading some of the horror stories related to dental problems and how hopeless some feel! This is an area that absolutely freaks me out! I'm in the same boat and the thought of loosing my teeth is something I just can't deal with! Two years ago my lower 4 from teeth turned to pulp and disintegrated! The meds have blocked the absorption of phosphorus and calcium and I have osteoporosis! Just sayin! I saw the post about the high cost of Biotene and need to let everyone know that Target now carries a 33oz bottle of thier brand for 5 bucks and yes it does help! Hope everyone takes this issue seriously before it's too late!

27 de noviembre de 2018
Un miembro de myHIVteam

We told our dentist our HIV status when we first started going to him 14 yrs ago and he and his staff have never been anything but super to us . . . give 'em a chance, you may be pleasantly surprised.

26 de noviembre de 2018
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Have you tried gargles with 75%water and 25% Hydrogen peroxide, DO NOT SWALLOW, it can be deadly but it wirk getting rid of bacteria.

29 de noviembre de 2018
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Use a moisturizing toothpaste and mouthwash. HIV meds play havoc with oral health

26 de noviembre de 2018

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