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Ser Aprovechado Por Tener VIH.

Being Taken Advantage Of For Having HIV.

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Seattle, WA

Desde que me diagnosticaron positivo mi hermana se ha acostumbrado para su beneficio. Para hacerme parecer menos persona, vulnerable y sin ningún poder. Mi papá y mi mamá, que ya fallecieron, apoyaron mi diagnóstico y mi estilo de vida. Supongo que mi hermana odiaba eso. Ella constantemente les pedía a mis padres que cambiaran sus testamentos para poder quedarse con todo, ya que probablemente yo estaría muerta. Y entre otras cosas odiosas. No les pedí nada a mis padres solo que fueran felices… leer más

Ever since I was diagnosed positive my sister has used to it to her benefit. To make me look less of a person, one vulnerable and without any power. My dad and mom who are now deceased were supportive of my diagnosis and my lifestyle. I guess my sister hated that. She was constantly asking my parents to change their wills so she could get everything since I probably would be dead. And among other hateful things. I did not ask for anything from my parents only they be happy, travel around… read more

10 de febrero de 2019
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

From reading your article, HIV Is not the ïssue. Rather dont let your guard down. Let your attorney handle up coming issues.

10 de febrero de 2019
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Wow what a story,I have a unintelligent family when it comes to my lifestyle and would never feel comfortable sharing with them my medical problems. I admire all thoe who are strong enough to share in a healthy way, it is up to the individual then to accept or live in ignorance

10 de marzo de 2019
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I have no estate stories and like you, I've always wanted my parents to be happy. My dad is dead now. My mom lives in the middle of nowhere and is very lonely. I have one living brother, and he is a far right conservative and of course I am on the opposite side of the spectrum. He has a big paying job for some health care company and is always concerned about going to the right church, putting the kids in the right school, and living in the right neighborhood. He is priviledged. I just don't share his values at all. As a consequence, we almost never speak to each other. I've visted them a number of times over the years to appease my mom. They have never visited me in the 27 years I've lived in Vermont. My mom is always scheming to throw us together. I always feel as if I'm in a business meeting where no one talks about anything personal. I know it's probably best that way but it would be nice to feel as if I had a normal family.

10 de febrero de 2019
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I was never open with family about my preference they knew of course and never dealt with those issues of course there always are family problems when parents die I had executor duties and I did what was asked my brother signed over me on sale of house of theirs as he wanted the sum due him forced to sell but I didn't want to sell to buyer sure enough they walked away and house sat empty till sheriff sale then I would want repurchase and fix up and rent it for income loan company would not notify me so lost it again as I was told that I could rent it and collect rent for me well brother wanted his share eventually and is why it was sold because if went on me to rent he would eventually y want his share which then I would lose house and be sued for back rent which he would never ha received as verbal agreements do not hold up the moral of course I followed instructions and was great he got his and since not notified of sale well saved me money time and repairs so I just moved on and realize some things are out of my control just be happy move on hold your head high know you cannot change others and their values and reset the will of your inheritance to benefit charity or something of your choice and live with peace of mind hugs

12 de febrero de 2019
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Typeo you just might out live her just make sure you have everything in order and live your life to the fullest

11 de febrero de 2019

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