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¿Habías Salido Con Alguien Negativo?

Had You Dated A Negative?

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭

Probablemente esto te lo preguntaron antes... ¿Habías salido con alguien negativo? ¿Lo sabía? ¿Cómo lo tomó y hubo desafíos cuando estaban juntos?

This was probably asked before... Had you dated a negative? Did he/she know? How he/she taken it, and were there challenges when you're together?

15 de febrero de 2019
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

My ex girlfriend 5 years together is still negative

17 de febrero de 2019
Un miembro de myHIVteam

@Un miembro de myHIVteam, I too just keep blocking toxic persons every week.

16 de febrero de 2019 (edited)
Un miembro de myHIVteam

The fathers of my kids are both negative and I have been in a couple relationships with men who were negative but always made sure I was upfront about my status

16 de febrero de 2019
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Yes, I have. We took precautions. I believe that safe sex is not an option anymore for anyone, so I really don’t care if someone tells me that they are negative or positive, I treat everyone as if they can be infected with something and give it to me or I can give it to them! I always laugh when I read someone post on a site that they were tested on such and such a date and they were negative. That tells me that they are either naive that the test results still matter weeks later because they could have been infected the day of the test and it had not shown up yet... or that they are someone who sleeps around a lot. 😉 (Or, they could also be damn liars and post anything to get laid!)

16 de febrero de 2019
Un miembro de myHIVteam

My husband is negative. Neither of us had been tested for quite a while. He went in for a routine physical, his doctor suggested he test, he did, and is neg. he was so sure he would have a positive result. So I followed up by getting tested as well. We were so sure I’d be negative. Not so. He is the most supportive and understanding man. We both have poz friends and have both dated poz men in the past. This development is actually bringing us closer.

16 de febrero de 2019

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