Si pudieras volver a tu pasado y cambiar las cosas, ¿qué cambiarías? Además de no tener VIH
If you could go back to your past and change things, what would you change? Besides not having HIV
I would have spent more time with my son who died.
I have gone through alot in my life alot of it bad and some of it good. I would not change anything even the fact I have HIV. I feel that what I went through in life has made me the mischevious fun loving sexual being I am today. May the Universe keep you all safe and sound.
A lot God knows but i no longer play the victim because my pass lead to my strength and i know that victory lies ahead. I have helped so many people with my lived experiences and there are much more to help.
I am learning to accept my pass because it didn't kill me it gave me wisdom alone with strength.
To myself..that's a hard 1..give with 1 hand & take with other..that would put me on pause
I honestly wouldn't change anything, good or bad, well maybe except for the frog in grandmas brand new microwave back in the early 1980s. When I mean brand new, I mean as just took out of the box and never used brand new. I still feel guilty about that, poor frog. it's because of the past who I am today.
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Hola Soy Persona Migrante En Tulsa Oklahoma ¿Dónde Puedo Adquirir Tratamiento A Bajo Costo O Gratuito ?
Hola, Estoy Con Vih Desde El 2024, Actualmente Estoy Sin Medicina Y Necesito Encontrar Algún Centro Donde Pueda Conseguirlas A Bajo Costo..