¿Está Descubriendo Que Está Lidiando Con Otros Problemas De Salud Que Tienen Algo O Nada Que Ver Con El VIH/SIDA?
Are You Finding That You Are Dealing With Other Health Problems That Have Some Or Nothing At All With HIV/AIDS?
Estoy pasando por problemas de espalda, cadera y manos que me impiden atender. Esto me dificulta respirar fuera de mis propios problemas. Gracias a DIOS, tengo una mentalidad más fuerte de lo que la gente me da crédito. Especialmente cuando controlas tu vida mejor que la mayoría de estos programas. Necesito encaminarme para mantener el control de mi vida.
I'm going through back, hip & hand problems which are preventing me from catering. This makes it hard for me to breathe outside my own problems. Thank GOD, I'm stronger minded then people give me credit for. Especially when you control your life better than most of these programs can. I need to get myself on track to keep control of my life
Yes iam sir last year January 20,2018 I was diagnosed with cancer joints and bone and stomach cancer tho plus I already had sickle cell and HIV already but I’m stronger than I look 👀 thank god I don’t look 👀 like what I been through
when hiv can't attack one thing, it finds something else to attack. so you can have all kinds of things go wrong from side effects of hiv.
Having a few issues with this, I strongly suggest exercise. Mine is walking around the block.
I have lots of health problems other than the HIV. For instance I have Chronic Stage Three Kidney disease. My kidney doctor who is very familiar with HIV told me other conditions can arise depending on how long you have had the virus, how long you have been taking meds, and your age. Perhaps that helps?
The HIV was no problem until they told me I have Leukemia then I freaked out.
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