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¿Te Resulta Más Difícil Recordar Cosas?

Are You Finding It Harder To Remember Things?

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Seattle, WA

En el último año he notado que me estoy volviendo muy olvidadizo. Y se distrae fácilmente. Sé que el VIH puede causar pérdida de memoria. Y por supuesto los medicamentos y la edad. Sólo uno de ellos podía hacer que uno fuera olvidadizo. Los recuerdos del pasado son nítidos hace mucho tiempo, pero más confusos al acercarse al presente. Una vez hice una prueba de memoria hace unos 10 años y no me fue tan bien. Siento que necesito volver a hacer una prueba de memoria porque esto realmente está… leer más

In the past year or so I have noticed I'm getting very forgetful. And easily distracted. I know HIV can cause memory loss. And of course the meds, and age. Only one of those could make one forgetful. Memories of the past are sharp way back, but foggier approaching the present. I took a memory test once about 10 years ago and didn't do so hot. I'm feeling I need to take a memory test again because this is really affecting my life and confidence.

Anyone else feeling more forgetful these… read more

5 de octubre de 2019
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

Hope everyone is having a good day.. this memory problem.. may also be caused by liver problems.. hang in there.. I go threw it everyday.. it's hard.

8 de octubre de 2019
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I find as I use my mind and the tools to remember, like association, that I'm making it through, surely not as good as my memory once was. I am really challenged with names, I keep a pen and pad with me always, to write down anything I care to remember and try to put down an association, event with the note, to trigger the correct memory! Tools verse just remembering bothered me, but I am learning to live with it, like using numb hands and legs, perfect practice makes it okay again for me! Pastor David Bast

6 de octubre de 2019
Un miembro de myHIVteam

My Dr told me that since I was on one of the 1st cocktails for over 10 years that it did help keep me alive but did other damage. One being my memory. He said it will only get worse, another is muscle mass and fatty deposits. But you just keep chugging along.

6 de octubre de 2019
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I was having problems with short term memory and most of the tests came back normal..but the neurologist put me on a low dose of Donepezil and it seems to have helped...still have problems sometimes...nothing major so far. Hugs & Love! John

6 de octubre de 2019
Un miembro de myHIVteam

My memory is terrible I forget simple things like people names. The bad part of it is that these are people that I have known for years sometimes I just draw a blank. To me it's just a annoyance I have gotten use to it but if it's becoming a real problem talk to your doctor. It maybe your medication. Just remember the meds are poisons they will do weird things to you. To me I just chalk it up to stress, age and I think that I may be a little ADHD. Good luck to you I hope that you find the answers that you need.

6 de octubre de 2019

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