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¿Cómo Te Afectan Las Vacaciones?

How Do The Holidays Affect You?

Un miembro de myHIVteam hizo una pregunta 💭
Geneva, IL

Con la temporada navideña a la vuelta de la esquina, ¿celebras las fiestas? ¿En cambio, traen recuerdos? ¿Cómo le haces frente?

With the holiday season upon us, do you celebrate the holidays? Do they instead, bring forth memories? How do you cope?

7 de octubre de 2019
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Un miembro de myHIVteam

We got you here...perhaps this holiday myself...we can share with other members here, stories and good cheer😊😊😊

24 de octubre de 2019
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Deli you are right of course the holidays are quick upon us things are a blur people are extremely happy because of expectation lots of anticipation and cost then it's over just as fast I love the season and decided long ago to remember it's meaning not the hoopla the decoration the whole package I don't give gifts anymore they cloud the mind hugs

15 de noviembre de 2019
Un miembro de myHIVteam

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving In Canada. I find without your family of choice being 1000’s of mimed sway, the day is nothing more than a day shops are closed and gluttony.
I miss the communal table with laughter and conversation discussing what we are thankful for.,
The best Holiday Meals where those my friends and I volunteered in soup kitchens serving the needy.
Tomorrow in Halifax and on the ranch the youth requested a late meal so they could help at soup kitchens and nursing homes. Proud to see them paying it forward

13 de octubre de 2019
Un miembro de myHIVteam

I celebrate all the summer holidays. I hate the Fall and Winter holidays. I hate having to lie about how great the good was. I don't want to eat over salted, dried out, or starchy foods. And I hate Henning to buy gifts for people simple because it's a holiday that requires it. But if we are friends or family, you might just get a memorial day or Independence day gift from me. Chances are pretty good that you will remember the gift more.

9 de octubre de 2019
Un miembro de myHIVteam

The struggle is real. The holidays are really awkward. I keep the radio off in the car until January. After being lockdown for so long in a foreign country under ECQ Enhanced Community Quarantine, just the thought of being in small spaces with a bunch of folks really freaks me out. The worst for me is the folks that almost demand gifts for holidays. Last year my other BF got really mad demanding a holiday present. I tried to explain this is not a holiday I celebrate. So the day after all the stores were closed, I had to go shopping for something he didn't bother even keeping. in other words, I had to buy something they don't want and don't need just to be nice.

8 de diciembre de 2022

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